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(Sam's POV)

"Thank you, Kirk" I said before hanging up on him.

I decided to drive back home and change quickly


Once I arrived home I slammed my car door and locked it. I ran up my house stairs and unlocked it, once I went inside I shut the door without double checking if I locked it or not. I shrugged it off and began to run up the stairs.

By the time I opened my bedroom door I had to stop for a minute to catch my breath from all this running

I opened my closet door and scanned through my clothes.

What I needed was something covering me, something that screams...well..not me. What would be something I wouldn't wear ?

I groaned in frustration and went to my other closet. I opened it and saw a light white dress. This so screams me..but it's the only thing, I have no other option.

I grabbed the dress and quickly undressed myself. I began to put the dress on and saw how cute it looked on me. Why didn't I wear this before ??

I grabbed a black leather jacket and an unused black purse.

I was about to leave until I realized I couldn't wear my sandals. Not that i can't but because it doesn't match and because she'll know it's me because I wear them too often around her

I groaned in frustration once again and began to walk to my closet...again!

I scanned through my shoes until I spotted an unused pair of black suede ankle boots. I looked at them and decided to just take them. On my way down the stairs I grabbed a hat that was hung on the jacket holder.

I quickly ran outside and locked my house.
As I was about to get inside my car my phone began to vibrate. I got my phone out of my purse and saw Kirk was calling.

He's probably asking where I'm at.
I picked up the phone and put it on speaker.

"Hello?" I answered
" where are you?" He asked. "I'm on the way, wait for me there or make a reservation " I spoke as I began to get inside the car.
"Sam I heard that car door slam" he laughed.
"Yeah well I'm on the way, I'll meet you there " I said before hanging up.

I started the car and began to drive away.


Once I got to the restaurant I made sure to put on a hat and my sunglasses before stepping out the car, just for you know, for her not to recognize me !

I began walking up to where Kirk was standing and stood in front of him

"Sam?" he asked. "What" I replied. "Whats up with the uh-- sunglasses and hat? They're going to think you're robbing the place or something" he jokes. "Haha so funny" I say sarcastically as I roll my eyes. "Let's go inside, it's chilly out here" he says as he playfully pushes me.

He opened the door for me and let me go inside first. Once I got inside I waited for him to enter as well. Once we both entered we went up to the host and I let Kirk do all the talking as I tried looking around parts of the restaurants to see if Mon was somewhere here.

"Follow me" the host said as she led me and Kirk to a table for two. She began getting out utensils and placed down 2 menus.

"A waiter will be here for you beautiful couple in a bit" she said with a smile on her face. "Oh we're not--" before I could finish my sentence Kirk began talking over me. "Thank you, we appreciate that compliment" he said as he smiled at the waiters compliment.

The waiter smiled and walked away.
I stood up just a bit and gently hit kirk's face.
"what was that for Sam?" He asked as he held his cheek. "Why'd you accept the compliment if we're not a couple?" I asked. I was already feeling annoyed since I couldn't find Mon and Nop.
I just hope she doesn't accept to being his girlfriend. She's mine.

(Mons POV)

"Wait what?" I said as I began laughing at one of nops silly jokes. Him and I have always joked around like this, yet this time it felt different. And not in a good way..

"Yeah I know it's pretty stupid but at least it made you laugh" he says as he took a big spoonful of his soup.

"So.. how's work going? Are you getting paid fairly?" He conversates as he takes another spoonful of his soup.

"it's going amazing, I'm getting paid really good. My boss..she's really nice, I like her" I say as I began to slurp some of my pad thai noodles.

"You like her? More than a friend?" he asks. When I heard those words come out of his mouth, I felt my heart beating, and my cheeks becoming warmer.

I began choking on my noodles as that question repeated in my head..

"Mon! Are you okay?" He asks as he quickly stood up from his seat and ran to my side and began patting my back. "I'm okay" I reply with a thumbs up to reassure him I'm okay. "okay good, don't want you to choke to death in front of me" he jokes. I giggled once again at his dumb joke. But yet that question still repeated in my head. Those words ..

"You like her? More than a friend?"

Do I like.. my boss? No. I can't. There's too much of an age gap, it won't work out.
But even so..those moments her and I had..

People my age just don't do the same. Even though she's older, I feel like she understands me. She gives me the attention I want.

I can't say I don't like her though. I do...I really do.

I don't think my parents would accept me. They'd always dream of me coming home with a cute boy, having him propose to me in a cute way, walking me down that aisle to my husband. But I just don't see it that way, not with a boy. Especially nop, I can't ever see him that way.

"Mon? Hello? Mon?" He says as he waves his hand in front of my face. "Hm? Yes?" I ask.
He sighed.
"Do you ..like her more than a friend?" He asks once more with his arms crossed.

I stared at him, not knowing what to do or say.
"No" I replied. My heart stopped for a few seconds when I realized what I had just said.
When those words escaped my mouth, he had a relieved facial expression.

"Oh. That's good, in a way" he says. "Mon the reason I asked you to come here.." he hesitates. He grabs my hand and places mine into his. "I want to ask you something"
My heart began racing fast, I knew what he'd want to ask, and I also knew what I wanted to say.

"Mon..will you be my girlfriend?"


Can you guess what she'll say next ?? 🤫

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