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(Mons POV)

I'm so worried. I've called lady Sam 10 times and I have not heard from her at all. It's like she just disappeared.
No! Mon don't think that!

I sighed in frustration. Did I do something? Was she mad at me? Is she okay? Where is she?
My heart and head ache as I keep asking myself these questions over and over and over. I just want to know she's safe.

I'll call her one more time. One more time and if she doesn't answer I'll look for her myself.
I went to my contacts and called lady Sam one more time. As the phone rang, I waited anxiously. Please pick up, please pick up!

"The person you're trying to reach is unavailable please press 1 to send a voicemail"

UGH!! Where are you Sam..
It's okay, maybe she's just feeling unwell. I will leave her a message and first thing in the morning I will check up on her.
I pressed one and left her a voicemail. I hope she at least hears it.

"Hey lady boss...you didn't show up today, I'm worried. Please call back once you've got the chance"

I made sure it went through then turned off my phone. Please answer me Sam ...

(Sam's POV)

"Let's go to the bathroom..." she whispered in my ear. I smirked as she took my hand and led me to the bathroom.

Once we got inside the bathroom she took me inside a stall and pushed against the bathroom stall. I got a good look on her face. She was tall, dirty blonde, pink lips, pale, messy short hair, light brown eyes, and she was wearing a white stand up collar blouse with black long jeans and a black tie wrapped around her shirt collar.

"You look so good baby" she whispered in my ear. For some reason this felt so wrong. It feels like I'm cheating on someone who I'm not even dating. I stayed quiet and just looked up at her. Before I could say I had a girlfriend, she leaned in and kissed...me. I pushed her off and she looked surprised. But for some reason I didn't want to leave her. I pulled her back by her tie and kissed her. Our tongues dancing in our mouths as we continue to kiss. Our kiss was passionate. But it doesn't and it won't compare to me and mon's. In my head I pictured it was me and Mon kissing here. I knew what I was doing was wrong. I love Mon, I do. But even after everything I did to get to know her, I think she'd choose nop over me any day.

We continued to make out until we heard the bathroom door open.
"Dara? Are you in here?" A girl asked.
She quickly picked me up and made me stand on the toilet, so I figured she was Dara.
"Uh yeah, I'll go out right now give me a second. Jus- just go back!" She shouted. Shortly after we heard the bathroom door close. She helped me off the toilet carefully, but I was curious on why she did that. "What was that?" I asked. She stayed silent then spoke. "uh yeah..that- that was my um girlfriend.." she had a sorry look on her face. "So you're cheating on her?" I asked. She stayed quiet and kept her head down. We both stayed still inside the stall. It was so quiet, just me and her and awkward silence. "Yeah..I know what I'm doing is wrong. I'm so sorry" she apologize. "No don't apologize to me, apologize to her. But I do know what you mean by when you know what you're doing is wrong. At least you're aware?" I reply. "Yeah.. but what do you mean you know what I meant? Are you also cheating on someone?" She asks. "Well no..I'm not dating them but it just feels wrong. It's just..my situation is rough right now I don't know how to really say it" I put my palms on my face and put my head down. "Talk to me about it. I'm here to listen" she says. We both sat on the bathroom stall floor as I told her how I felt and how much I liked Mon.

"So basically, her boy best friend is in the way between you two?" she asks. "Yes exactly, the reason I came to this club was to forget things but then this happened"
I started to shed a tear again. I can never talk about sentimental things without crying. "Don't cry. Here, what you can do is talk to her about it, make her feel loved, don't ghost her otherwise she'll get worried and go to her boy best friend. Don't overthink things and jump into conclusion, ask her about it and ask how her relationship with this boy is. If you said she kissed you and you kissed her then its obviously it's only her friend that likes her but she has her eyes on you. If you really love her, chase after her" once she told me that, it made me realize I need to start trusting Mon. Otherwise I will end up getting hurt without hearing the truth.

"You're right. You should also talk to your girlfriend about this, maybe she feels what I'm feeling. Take some of that advice you gave me and use it for yourself" I smiled at her and she returned one to me. "Well I've got to go find my soon to be girlfriend, it was nice meeting you. Hope we meet again, maybe we can actually become friends?" I ask. "Sure, I'll see you around" she says, we both walked out the bathroom and I immediately pushed through the crowd and into my car.

I was still a bit drunk but I had control. I didn't have time to think about anything else, except Mon.

I made it to her house safe and sound.
I looked around and saw their kitchen light on. I tried to see who was there but I didn't see anyone. I took my phone out and took it off "do not disturb". I saw loads of messages and missed calls from Mon.

"Khun Sam where are you? 8:45am
"Are you okay?" 10:33am
"Have you eaten?" 11:33am
"Lady Sam please answer me" 12:23pm
"Khun Sam?" 12:57 pm
"Please return my calls" 1:34pm
"Are you feeling unwell?" 1:56pm
"Khun Sam I'm worried please answer" 4:56pm
"Let's go out to eat" 5:12pm
"Am I texting you too much?" 5:13pm
"I'm worried, please answer" 5:57pm
"Can't stop thinking of you!" 6:12pm
"I miss you, answer please" 7:34pm
"I'm about to eat, wish you were here" 8:02pm
"I'm off work, where are you?" 9:10 pm
"Please answer my calls!" 9:20pm

Ugh Sam!! How come Ive been so stupid!
Because of my stupid thoughts it led me to worry her. I didn't mean too.

I just wish she was awake. Maybe I should try to climb into her bedroom window.
Let me try!

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