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I hope she gets rid of them somehow so we can go back home. I hope they don't suspect anything?

(sam's POV)

Mon and I arrived at the grocery store safely. I carefully got out of my car and was about to go over to Mon's side and open the door for her until she got out herself.

I stared at her confused and she looked confused too.

"What are you doing? Go back inside" i ask, staring at her. She just blinked and got back inside and I  closed the door behind her. I looked at my watch wrapped around my wrist and counted to 10 while tapping my foot to the ground looking impatient. After a few seconds i opened the door for her and held out my hand for her to grab. "Thank you" she whispered. I decided to tease her a bit.. so I leaned close to her ear and whispered. "Remember, only I can open the door for you" even shivers went down my spine as soon as those words escaped my mouth. I felt myself turning a bright shade of pink. I looked away and took her hand and lead her inside

As Mon went ahead and grabbed a shopping cart I waited patiently for her near the flower section in the entrance.
When she returned we went ahead into the first isle which was the cleaning supplies. I looked down at the list and saw soap was in the list. I looked around and tried to spot the soap. "Khun sam! Noi, Yha, and Chin are here!" Mon mentioned. I reacted quickly and pushed her into the pet food next to the cleaning isle.

From the corner of my eye I saw them pass right by me. I let our a sigh of relief. Once I was about to go back to looking for soap I overheard them talking. I was hoping Mon would distract them or better yet get rid of them. I found different types of soaps but it didn't say what brand and without Mon I didn't know what brand they use. I tilted my head a bit to the right as I was confused.

I heard footsteps and I immediately looked away hoping it was someone else.
I covered my face from the right side for a bit until I decided to put my hand down. I didn't hear them no more so I thought she took them somewhere else.

I got 6 different soap brands and put them in the cart. Just then out of nowhere, Mon and my employees appeared. I looked away and pretended not acknowledge their existence.

"Oh Lady boss, what are you doing here?" Yha asks. I turned around slowly and saw all four of them together, my eyes widen a bit as I remember they'll see we're matching. For a moment I thought they wouldn't notice. But of course chin had to point it out. "Oh you and Mon are matching! So cute!" Chin says. Yha and noi look back at me and Sam.
I didn't have any idea of what to say. I didn't want them to suspect anything. My only option was to say something calmly or go full on boss mode and scold them for asking such a thing. "Stop copying me" I  said. I signaled Mon it was just a joke and to take them the other way and get rid of them somehow but Mon looked confused. Finally I think she got the hint. "Oh- oh. I didn't copy you. We must've felt the same vibe today ? Uh have a good day Lady boss" she said, she walked away and the rest stayed. "Uh we'll see you at work lady boss, we'll leave now. Have a good day" Yha says. "Mm. Go" I said. Soon they had left and I went to go find Mon.

I thought I lost her but she was looking at stuffed animals in the kids tou section.
"You like it?" I ask, picking up a stuffed animal as well. "Yeah they're so cute! But they're expensive...$15.25 !?" she says, her eyes widening as she looks at the prices.

I put down the stuffed animal and looked around before hugging her from behind. I rest my head on her shoulder as she continues to look at different stuffed animals. "Get one, I'll buy it for you" I offer. "No it's okay! I'll just get it some other day, thank you for your kind offer" she calmly rejects my offer. "Okay sleepy baby let's go get the rest of the stuff we need then we can go sleep, okay?" she says, as she puts all the stuffed animals back to their place. "Mm, okay" I mumble. We continued to look for the rest of the items.

3:45 pm.

"And I think that's all, let's go checkout and then we can go home" she says. "Okay" I reply. As we wait patiently in line, beautiful baby breaths flowers caught my eyes. Mon would definitely love those!

Once it was our turn to checkout i helped put the stuff on the checkout counter quickly. "Uh Khun Sam? 6 soaps??" Mon laughed. "I wasn't sure which one you use so I got all" I say as I start to bag our items.
"Oh well we use all do you just did us a huge favor" she giggled. I smiled softly and made sure I payed with my money.

Once we were finished I still couldn't take my eyes off the flowers.
"Mon, go wait for me in the car. I forgot to buy conditioner for my hair. I won't take long" I say. She nodded but before she left I gave her my car keys so she will start to put the things inside the car. She took my keys and took the bags into the car trunk.

I quickly ran over to the baby breath flowers and admired them. There was multiple flowers but I know I couldn't buy them all. Or can I ??


Ahh I'm so sorry for being so inactive! Please forgive me I will try to be more motivated to continue this book. I'm focusing on myself at the moment so please forgive me if I do not post. Please take care you guys, love you all !! I will see if I can post tomorrow if I am not busy.

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