Chapter 18

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I have to tell her somehow.

I spent the rest of the day - right up till I slid into bed - thinking of ways I could tell Demi my secret. I woke up the next morning thinking about how I was going to tell her. Today we both had a day off and she wanted to spend it with me. We spoke about it over dinner last night and she said she had something to tell me so I agreed, saying I had to tell her something too.

I didn't get out of bed until I heard scratching on my bedroom door, meaning I skipped breakfast. Opening it up, I am greeted by Barry and Luna. Barry had a note attached to his collar so I carefully detached it and they ran off causing me to giggle. I opened the note and it read...

Dear Payton,

Please join me in the living room for lunch. I know you skipped breakfast so I put together a little something for us.

Love, Demi

P.S. Dress casual :)

I felt a smile appear on my face and shut my door to find something to wear. I searched for a few minutes before I found the perfect outfit. I brushed out my hair, throwing it up into a messy bun prior to changing. (picture above)

I made my way downstairs and into the living room to find Demi, Barry and Luna sat on the floor waiting. Demi was on her phone but the dogs perked up so she looked up at the door just before I entered the room and smiled. "It's like they have a sixth sense when it comes to you." she comments with a slight laugh. I chuckle and walk towards her, she hold out her hand and helps me sit down. "You look great by the way." she says, "Thanks." I reply smiling.

We sit and ate lunch together, talking about random things until we finished. We clean everything up and we sit on the couch facing each other. Silence consumed us for a few moments until Demi broke it, "Okay so I don't really know how to start this so I'm just going to come out and say it." she starts. I could hear her heartbeat quicken slightly as she speaks, "I like you, like really like you and I don't expect you to feel the same but I just feel like since I've been pretty much living here that I've started to think and feel some type of way towards you and I don't know, I feel like I'm rambling now." she finishes with a nervous laugh, looking down at her hands.

I smile and take a few moments to absorb what Demi just said. I take her hands in mine, "Well luckily for you I do feel the same but before anything else is said or done, there is something I have to tell you." I say looking down at our hands. "What I'm about to tell you has been kept a secret all my life from everyone that wasn't family. And yes that includes Gunner." I take a deep breathe and continue, "A lot of people have wondered and speculated over the years since I started my wrestling career about how I can go through a match without so much as breaking a sweat. Same goes for workouts which I'm sure you've noticed." I look up at her and she nods, silently asking me to carry on.

"Well that's because I'm not exactly human." I say quietly, removing my hands away from Demi and looking down at them. "What do you mean?" Demi asks, "I am a supernatural hybrid." I reply. Everything goes dead silent. I spare a glance up at Demi who looks confused, shocked and something I couldn't place. It remains silent for a few more moments before I speak up again, "Say something. P-please." She shakes her head and looks at me with wide eyes. She looks from me to the dogs and back to me again a few times, then it clicks. The something I couldn't place was realisation, I just nod my head a little and she lets out a nervous laugh and asks, "So what exactly are you?" I chuckle and reply, "I am an elemental witch and a wolf shapeshifter." She nods and we sit and talk for a couple of hours, her asking me questions and me answering them.

~~Time Skip-Early Evening~~

Demi and I were sat watching a movie on the couch. I was curled up into her side and she wrapped her arms around me. After our talk we decided to see how thing went and to not force anything but cuddles felt right ya know. The movie was coming to an end when all of a sudden, I feel a sharp pain shoot throughout my entire body but I hide it well. Barry and Luna perk up and start whining while looking at me which alerts Demi that there's something wrong. I shrug it off but it happens again, much stronger this time and the dogs rush over still whining.

During our talk earlier, I explained to Demi the connection I have with Barry and Luna. Well all canines really but considering they are the only two dogs I'm around on a regular basis, they see me as there alpha in a way and if my wolf acts up they react.

My wolf starts growling and pushing to break free. I stand up to make my way to the garage but fall onto my hands and knees, clawing at the ground. Demi rushes over and picks me up, "Where to babygirl." she says. I try to speak but all that comes out my mouth are whines, whimpers and animalistic noises. Barry and Luna bark, jumping up and down at our feet. "F-follow." I manage to squeeze out, Demi looks down at them and says, "Show me."

They run off towards the garage with Demi hot on their heels. She kicks open the door and sets me down in the middle of the room. "W-whatever you d-do, p-please d-don't freak out." I stutter out, struggling to look up at her. She nods and crouches down to keep Barry and Luna calm as I transform.

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