Chapter 112

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I asked Fenrir, Sköll and Hati if they would be okay with us leaving them in the cavern and they said they would be. Fenrir said it would give him and the twins time to catch up which made me let out a sigh of relief. He also said that if I needed them, that all I'd have to do was summon them. I gave the three of them a hug before Demi, Sheamus, Damian and I circled Loki and placed our hands on his shoulders; we were then teleported to the throne room. When were reappeared, all that could be heard was shouting and yelling from Odin, Frigga and Thor.

When I looked toward them, I was immediately enraged by what I saw. Infront of me was Odin, holding down a beaten up Thor with Frigga yelling at him to stop. Lady Sif, Volstagg, Hogun and Fandral were lay unconscious a short distance from them. Without saying anything, I used my magic to throw Odin across the room and created a vortex of shadows around him; stopping him from moving as I attended to injured.

After healing Thor, Lady Sif, Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg up, I turned my attention to Odin. "What do you have to say for yourself?" I ask sternly, "I don't answer to you." he huffed. I lowered the shadows but created vines that wrapped themselves around his wrists, ankles and neck; bringing him to his knees. "Oh that is where you are wrong Odin. You do what I command or face the consequences." I growled, "So what shall it be? Obey my orders freely or be compelled too."

Odin tried to fight but ultimately failed. I stripped him of his power and influence before having him locked in the dungeons to be dealt with later. I then gave Thor, Loki and Frigga joint rule over Asgard. As we spoke, I suddenly felt like something was wrong and either Tyra, Athena or Tyson had activated their necklaces. "I'm sorry to cut this short but something is wrong." I say and teleport out of the throne room. I teleported to Tyra's, Athena's and Tyson's location and was tackled into a hug by my crying girls, "Shh it's okay, I'm here. Tyson, what happened?" I asked as I comforted Tyra and Athena. "I don't know, something is trying to get in." He replied as a massive bang could be heard from behind the door.

"Okay, you three go stand in the back corner. I will shield you in shadows while I see what is going on." I tell them and they do I asked. I command the shadows to conceal them but allow them to see the room, I then go to the door. Before I could get to it, the door was broken down and in stalked a creature I had never seen but the scent was familiar. A murderous growl ripped from my throat as we circled each other, my scent being the only one the creature could smell; the shadows concealing my daughters and Tysons' scents perfectly.

My eyes turning gold and the rainbow mist of my magic swirling around my body made the creature stop in it's tracks. Staring at me wide eyed that were now filling with tears as if they knew me; the creature then shifted into a women. "I-It can't be, is it really you." She said, "Excuse me?" I asked. "My apologies but your eyes and your magic are the exact same as my daughters. I haven't seen her or her father in so long." She says as a lone tear rolls down her cheek, "Her father being..." I trail off. "Fenrir."

My own eyes widen as she said this, "Móðir(mother)." I whispered; tears of my own starting to gather. "Dóttir(daughter), oh it has been too long." She says as steps forward and wraps her arms around me with me doing the same. I pull back and lower the shadows, waving the three forward as I explain who everyone was to each other. After a few minutes of talking, I suggested that we go back to the throne room and everyone agreed so I teleported the five of us there. When we got there though Magnus, Kali and Bo were growling, snarling and hissing while standing protectively infront of a bloody Azar who was lay on the floor as a small group of royal guards - who I assumed where following an order Odin gave if anything happened to him - and some mercenaries were trying to finish what they started.

With a quick look around the room I noticed Demi, Damian, Sheamus, Thor, Loki, Frigga, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three were on the floor unconscious; several royal guards loyal to the throne were dead; and I could hear Fenrir, Sköll and Hati calling out to me through our telepathic bond, asking what was happening. I sent them a quick, "I'll explain later but I'm sending you four people so please keep them safe." getting a brief "Okay." from the three before teleporting Tyra, Athena, Tyson and Katla - my mother - to Fenrir's cavern.

Once Fenrir confirmed that they had gotten there safely, I turned my attention to the aggressors in the throne room. I calmly walked over and stood between my guardians and the group of men; some were taken aback by my actions while others saw me as another threat but one laughed. "Something funny." I asked him boredly, "Yeah, the fact that you really think you can do anything to stop us killing those abominations." he said still looking amused. "That's where you're wrong. First, you hurt my family. Then, you attack my guardians. You fucked up pal." I stated angrily as my eyes turned gold and rainbow lightning starts to crack and click around my body...

Half of the group tried to run but with a snap of my fingers, they were struck down and turned to ash in seconds

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Half of the group tried to run but with a snap of my fingers, they were struck down and turned to ash in seconds. The half that stayed were to shocked to move, even the man that laughed so I surrounded them in a ring of rainbow fire...

 The half that stayed were to shocked to move, even the man that laughed so I surrounded them in a ring of rainbow fire

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I quickly focused on calling forth my healer, concentrating on all of the injured around me. Once they were healed, I summoned everyone back to the throne room and soon enough Tyra, Athena, Tyson, Katla, Fenrir, Sköll and Hati appeared.

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