Chapter 34

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TW- Swearing.

Adam was able to get the creative team to agree on a match between The Miz, Maryse and me. It was going to be a 2-on-1 no DQ like I suggested but I had to have a male superstar ringside with me. In the words of the creative team, "just in case something happens" like it absolute bullshit if you ask me but hey, who am I to argue; I get to beat up The Miz.

It's the day of the match and me, The Miz and Maryse have a segment in the ring after the first match of the night. We all have to be in normal clothes, Miz and Maryse will go into the ring first and talk shit about me; then I will go out and talk shit back; then Adam will come out and tell us we can have our match and will announce who will be ringside with me.

Demi also has a match tonight so we arrive together and go our separate ways. When I get to my locker room, I immediately get my makeup set up and throw my hair into a messy bun to deal with after I get ready. I start with my eye makeup...

I keep it simple as I'll be adding to it when I have to get ready for my match

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I keep it simple as I'll be adding to it when I have to get ready for my match. I apply my classic black lipstick and mascara, then I brushed out my hair and put it up into a simple ponytail; I put on my outfit and touched up my nails...

 I apply my classic black lipstick and mascara, then I brushed out my hair and put it up into a simple ponytail; I put on my outfit and touched up my nails

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After I get ready, I sit and watch the first match. The match ends and a crew member comes to get me so I make my way to gorilla. I stand and wait for The Miz and Maryse to say my cue line. When they do, my music blares through the arena interupting them and the crowd goes wild. I walk out and make my way to the ring smirking, I climb the steel steps and carefully climb into the ring, I get handed a mic and signal for the crowd to hush down.

"The Miz and Maryse. Why am I not surprised. When they told me I had a segment today, I was not expecting you two." I start, "You two talk an awful lot for posers. Ya know, if you put as much effort into wrestling as you do talking shit then maybe, just maybe, you might actually be good." I finish as I pace infront of them. As scripted, Maryse gets in my face trying to intimidate me but I just laugh. Miz pulls her back and says, "You don't know what you're talking about Skylar. Your nothing compared to us but then again, you are new to WWE so you still have a lot to learn."

I lift the mic back up to my lips and chuckle darkly, "Then you don't know anything me Michael." I sneered. I could see the anger growing within both of them, "You see, I got offered a contract with NXT UK after about 6 or so months of training to become a pro-wrestler. I worked under them for 2 years before I got offered a contract here, right here at WWE RAW. I have won every match I have ever had. So please, enlighten me. Why does WWE keep The Awesome One and The French-Canadian Beauty around." I pause for a second, "Oh don't strain your singular brain cells. I'll tell you why. It's so everyone else has someone to beat." I say and the crowd laughs.

The Miz throws down his mic and gets in my face, shouting all sorts of shit while I just stand there smirking. Maryse pulls Miz back and slaps me but right on cue, Adam walks out on stage to defuse the situation. "Alright, alright that's enough. If you two want a match against Skylar that bad you've got one. Last match of tonight." Adam says and we all act shocked. "Also Skylar, you'll have someone ringside with you," He starts and I start shouting back at him about how unfair that is and how I can take them, "I'm sure you can take them but it's just a precaution. They are not allowed to interfere or help you in any way unless you need it. So without further ado, joining you ringside Skylar is none other than SETH 'FREAKIN' ROLLINS." He announces and Seth's music hits. He walks out from behind the curtain and stands next to Adam.

I scoff and cross my arms over my chest, rolling my eyes as scripted. I leave the ring and storm up the ramp, bumping Adam with my shoulder as I walk past him and ignoring Seth as scripted. I walked back to my locker room to relax before getting ready for my match.

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