Chapter 20

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It's been about five days since I told Demi my secret and transformed infront of her. Truth be told we have become a lot closer and have been practically inseparable since. Our communication is a lot better and I even decided I'd take Adam up on his offer of joining The Judgement Day. When I told Demi she was so excited and we had a discussion about doing an enemies to allies storyline that involving me and her.

When I called Adam and pitched the idea he loved it, he even said that my next match would be against Rhea. We were both happy to do so and even told Adam that we would do a freestyle promo backstage feud to hype up the fans. As me, Demi and Adam spoke, we came to the conclusion that Skylar and Rhea would feud for a couple of months before The Judgement Day go out into the ring to call me out and offer a place with them.

Demi and I were so pumped for this storyline to start. We would be going in tonight to do our bit backstage before her match tonight. We haven't told anyone, the only people who know are me and The Judgement Day.

~~Time Skip-At The Arena~~

I had just arrived at the arena to support my good friend Bianca Belair for her match against Rhea Ripley tonight. She called a couple of hours after lunch asking if I could be there for her and of course I agreed. I told Demi and she agreed that the timing would be perfect so we arrived separately. I sent a quick text to Adam the plan and he confirmed that he would get a camera crew ready.

I texted Bianca as I walked in and was told to meet her in catering. As I made my way there, I passed by Rhea coming out of TJD locker room. I gave her a subtle nod, signalling to get ready for our bit and carried on walking.

I enter the catering area and see the EST herself. "Bianca." I called, walking over to her. "Hey girl, thank you for being here tonight. I really appriate it." She says as she hugs me. I smile and reply, "Of course I'd be here for you. Rhea is a strong opponent but I know you got this." We sit and talk for a few minutes before she leaves to get ready for her match. Then, I notice Rhea walking in and I lower my head smirking slightly before I hear...


I look up and see The Judgement Day walking towards my table, stopping a few feet away from me. "Can I help you?" I asked uninterested. Dominik steps forward and slammed his hand down on the table infront of me, "We heard you've been bad-mouthing Mami behind her back." I look up at him and scoff, "And. So what. What are you gunna do about it. Oh wait, you..." I said standing up and pointing at him, "Aren't gunna do shit. You wanna know why." He nods and I jab my finger into his chest, "Because you couldn't do shit to me even if you tried. No-one can." I say and turned around to walk off.

I make it a couple of steps before I'm speared to the ground. I knew it was Rhea, her scent engulfed me as I fell. She starts throwing punch after punch at the back of my head and neck. I know she knows she can't do any major damage but I can tell she's holding back. After a few more punches, I feel her getting dragged off of me kicking and screaming. I hear Paul's - or Triple H's - voice telling her to cool off and get ready for her match because her's was next.

Fun fact about me is that I can make myself cry on command. So you best believe I had tears streaming down my face by the time she got pulled off of me.

I was curled up into a ball on the floor "crying" when the camera crew was told to leave by someone. The next thing I knew I felt a hand on my shoulder so I played it up and made myself flinch, backing away slighly and curled myself up more. "Hey it's okay, I'm only here to help." I hear a kind and smooth voice above me.

I cautiously looked out from behind my hands and saw someone I had always admired growing up. I look up and saw...

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