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"I'm sorry I'm late", Mr. Israel, the girls driver apologized, he hesitated before saying his next words I know you've heard but-"

"Take us to the hospital " Ona ordered as Kachi and her quickly shoved past him to enter the car.

"I was ordered to take you home "

Ona halted in her tracks giving the elderly man a cold glare, something that the sweet respectful girl had never done before.

"I said to the hospital, "Ona said through her teeth. The old man was so surprised but he knew he had to comply.

Once they got to the hospital, the girls ran to the receptionist.

"Please there was an accident that took place today," Ona said quickly as she wiped her tears.

"You mean Mr. and Mrs. Ofili?"

"Yes!" Ona quickly replied.

"You are the children. I don't think I'm meant to..."

"Please " Ona begged, "Imagine you were in our shoes, wont you want to see your parents too?"

The receptionist thought for a while." Ward 8, room 28" she said pointing to the hallway

Ona and Kachi dashed to were directed. They met their uncle and aunt. Mr. George Ofili, their father's only brother and sibling, and his wife, Mrs. Nneka Ofili. They were the only relatives they had and they knew nothing about their mother's family.

Everyone was looking gloomy and the air was filled with melancholy but that didn't stop Ona from asking questions

"Ona what are you doing here? you are meant to be at home" Her uncle asked once he spotted them but Ona ignored him and asked her questions instead.

"Where are my parents? Are they okay? it isn't that bad, is it? everything will be okay, right? I hope-" she cut herself short when nobody stopped her to reassure her, Why is nobody talking to me?"

Ona looked into the room where there were two empty beds. For some reason that stirred an uncomfortable feeling in her guts.

"Are we in the wrong ward or something?"

"The bodies are in the hospital's mortuary " a doctor came in handing a file to Ona's uncle oblivious to what was ongoing. "We are extremely sorry for your loss"

"What bodies?!" Ona began to ask the doctor." What loss?" Her voice was shaking and she was finding it difficult to breathe.

The doctor noticed her for the first time, his demeanor changed from his professional one to that of sympathy.

"The children?" The question was directed to their uncle who simply nodded. The doctor gave Ona a gentle squeeze on the shoulder and softly rubbed Kachi's head before turning around to leave. Ona made a move to go after him but her aunt held her back

"Ona you need to relax " she coaxed

Ona looked at her aunt in disbelief. How could she relax when she didn't understand what was going on? Ona jerked her arm away from her aunt's grasp.

"Let me go!" she yelled before she began running after the doctor ignoring all the shouts of her name from behind. Ona reached the doctor and stood in front of him disrupting his movement.

"Please just tell me what's wrong. Where are they?" She asked helplessly as more tears streaked down her face. Ona quickly wiped her tears away maybe if she stood strong he would tell her.

"Please " she begged again.

"My dear, your family will tell-"

"Just tell me!" Ona raised her voice. Kachi was now beside her sister.

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