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The comforting darkness of sleep barely came for Rachel, she only slept for three hours before she woke up from a dream she chose not to remember. She sat up on her bed and rubbed her eyes, she had been staring at the ceiling for way too long. She glanced at the clock, it was 7: 45 she headed for the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror, she had eyebags which means more makeup, she let out a sigh, everything was just not okay.

After a shower, Rachel checked her phone and smiled when she saw messages from the people she loved, Nicole had even left her voice message,

Hey Big sis, finally you are coming back, I actually missed you. I need to go to bed now because I have a stupid class at 8 am. I'll see you when you get back.

Rachel couldn't wait to be back with the girls and away from this complicated part of her life. Normally, she would be glad to leave her room to embrace the aroma of Jamal's cooking but right now she couldn't bear to look at him talk less of an appetite

Rachel was rechecking her packing when her phone began to ring, it was Camilla

"Hey bitch just saw your message. You are really coming back to me? Yayyy!" Camilla said all at once Rachel picked up the call.

"Hello to you too Cam, why are you even awake, it's late over there"

There was a pause on the line before Camilla continued, "something is wrong, you don't sound right".

Rachel let out a sigh, of course, she would notice, Camilla, Andy, and Nicole always did.

"Nothing Cam, I just woke up not too long ago and I still feel a little tired.

"Rae, what's wrong?" Camilla insisted.

"I'm fine Cam, really I am"

"I don't believe you so when you get back I'm going to force the words out of your mouth " Camilla threatened. Suddenly Rachel heard a male voice in the background and then she heard Camilla telling whoever it was quietly to shut up.

"Camilla Woods!" Rachel teased "So this is why you are up so late"

"It's nothing Rae"

"Of course, " Rachel replied dryly, she was definitely not buying that.

"Rachel Daniels, do not tease me"

A rasp knock on Rachel's door made her jolt.

"Camilla I'll see you when I get back okay?"

"Yeah see you, come back quick we miss you "

Rachel went over to open the door after hanging up, Jamal was standing in front of her looking as comported and reserved as always. He looked well, no dark circles no sign of sleep deprivation, still looking as handsome as ever and his lips.... still as kissable as ever. Rachel quickly looked away.

"Do you need anything?" Rachel asked him trying to look professional and unbothered.

"We will be leaving soon. Don't you want to eat anything?"

"I'm not hungry, I'm fine" she replied him avoiding his gaze which she knew was on her, he said nothing and just kept on staring at her lips? maybe it was in her head. Rachel cleared her throat to bring him out of his thoughts, "I'll get my things" she informed.

Jamal held her arm but Rachel flinched as soon as he touched her so he retreated his hands back in his pockets

"I just wanted to say that Herbert and the men will be getting the things"

"Oh right, I'll be in the kitchen then, I'm a little thirsty" Rachel went passed him and quickly walked away.

Jamal watched her walk away, he didn't understand that woman at times –well most of the times he didn't –but she was very hard to read. He knew he kissed her but she kissed him back too and now she was behaving like he didn't exist after giving him such a hard-on throughout the night that wouldn't let him think straight and a cold shower couldn't solve plus a fluttering heart that wouldnt take a break whenever he remembered their kiss. He couldn't sleep properly because the only thing he could think about was how goddamned good her soft lips tasted and how amazing her body felt wrapped in his arms.

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