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"You're awake finally" Jamal was in the middle of his laptop and papers when Rachel came in.

"You could have slept in you know, we were outside way late into the night yesterday" Rachel pointed out.

"Old Habits die hard" he simply stated. "Anyways we have a lot of work to do today but first I need you to call Andrew to find out how the company is doing. Also, make sure to check the emails, I'm sure reports would be sent in today" Jamal gave out his orders before going back to his work.

Rachel noticed the way, Jamal behaved like nothing happened last night, well technically nothing actually happened but he was behaving like they didn't go on a tour yesterday and didn't have a nice time while all she had a thought about was how close they were to doing what exactly she thought about too many unhealthy times. Being attracted to someone who you couldn't have already sucked but one-sided attraction sucked more. Maybe, she expected too much.

"Scarlet" Jamal's voice snapped her from her thoughts. "We need to start now"

Rachel took a seat beside him and began to work on one of the documents on the center table. Jamal's phone began to ring so he stepped out to take the call.

Rachel looked at the documents scattered on the table and sighed. If she had any plans to sleep away her misfortunes they were definitely not happening again

"We got it," Jamal said once he entered. Rachel looked at him confused.

"Got what?"

"Harvey Stars"

Rachel's eyes widened in surprise, "Really! O my God that's amazing, I'm happy for you "

"Well, we have a ton shit of work to do and we have to finish them today because we will be needed back in Harvey Star tomorrow"

Thats amazing Jamal, Congratulations

"Congratulations to you too, you also did an amazing job" he commended putting a smile on her face

The next day, Jamal and Rachel were sitting with the board of Harvey Stars once again.

"On behalf of the board, I apologize for taking more time than expected Mr. Leone" Mr. Caxton apologized.

Jamal gave a slight nod in approval to his apology.

"I'll go straight to the point. Since most of the board have cast their vote in your favor and after much discussions and meetings, I'm glad to once again to congratulate you on being the new owner of Harvey Stars" there was a formal applause before Caxton continued.

"We will be signing the formal documents now and other processes will begin in earnest"

After the signing of the transfer of ownership documents, the board dispersed for the day.

"Congratulations once again Jamal" Mr. Caxton shook hands with Jamal. Rachel had gone to the car with Herbert after the meeting to give them privacy.

"Thank you, Mr. Caxton"

"No need to be so formal, you are now part of the Harvey family so just call me Paul. I always knew you were the best but you see board members can be difficult sometimes"

"I understand Paul"

"But that secretary of yours, Rachel, she's really good at using her words after that speech, she won half of the board and that was all I needed to make you the owner. You shouldn't let her go, she's a keeper"

"I'll keep that in mind whenever she offends me and I think of firing her"

Paul laughed, "do keep her Jamal, she's different" the old man gave him a fatherly tap on the back before he left.

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