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Jamal did come back half an hour later to meet a pouty Rachel in a pink set of pajamas with her arms and legs crossed and her face to the side as she refused to take whatever Nelly offered her.

"No, I'm not taking it, " she turned completely away from the spoon Nelly held out.

"Rachel, it will help you sober up faster" Nelly cajoled but Rachel kept her stance. Nelly turned to Jamal for help.

"She wouldn't budge" she explained.

"Don't worry, I'll take it from here thank you Nelly". Nelly handed the bowl of soup to him before taking her leave.

"And why aren't you taking it scarlet?"

"Because its smells bitter"

"You haven't even tasted it yet. Okay if you take it then you get to have this" Jamal wiggled the pint of ice cream in front of her face gaining her attention, Rachels eyes brightened and immediately reached for it but Jamal kept it away from her.

"No soup then no ice cream"

Rachel finally gave in and let Jamal feed her. After she had taken enough spoons to Jamal's satisfaction, he finally gave her the ice cream which she accepted with a big smile.

Her drunk state made her a little shaky so she ended up smearing some around her mouth. To Jamal, she looked cute even with all the mess and for some reason, he ended up taking a picture of her. He took a napkin and wiped her mouth after she was done and stood up to leave.

"You need to get some rest. I'll call Nelly to stay with you"

Rachel's smile dropped "I don't want Nelly, I want you. Come stay with me" she patted the space on the bed signaling for him to come sit with her.

Jamal wanted to refuse but she kept on looking at him expectantly, he gave up and finally sat beside her and her face brightened immediately.

"You know, you can be caring but then you just prefer to be grumpy" she teased

Jamal looked at her in amusement "Grumpy?"

"Yeah, thats what I even call you behind your back. Mr Grumpy" she told him proudly

"I'm not grumpy" Jamal defended.

"You are. You never smile, never laugh, enjoy keeping a frown, take everything too seriously, and like to annoy me. The first time I saw you smile, you looked so good and more like your age but no, you prefer to look like a handsome quirky man when you are just in your late twenties whos supposed to have a better sense of humor. I honestly don't understand you but you are lucky you are good looking unless all that behavior would have been of great disadvantage for you"

"Handsome? good looking? I had no idea you saw me that way". He never knew he would see the day she called him handsome or good looking, he knew if she was in her right state of mind, she would rather eat dirt than admit that.

"Yeah you are handsome you should obviously know that; do you know how many girls want you just at the office. Please do not act dumb".

Jamal smiled, he didn't know why but drunk Rachel was pure entertainment.

"So can I ask you a question?" She slurred.

"Of course anything"

"Do you have a big penis? people say men with big dicks tend to be as arrogant and egotistical like you are, maybe that would help me understand how you are so full of yourself"

Jamal let out a hearty laugh. Drunk Rachel was definitely his new favourite.

Rachel gasped, "Look at you looking all gorgeous with a smile and you laugh? too bad you don't do that often. But seriously, you better have a big penis to back up that attitude"

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