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Advice from your author; stay calm 🤭



Rachel was tempted to not open the door and she didn't know why, but that feeling was evident and disturbing but she blamed it on her urge to just be rude to him since her dislike for him had grown ten times more over the past week.

Hosea was about to press on the doorbell again when the door was finally opened.

"What do you want?" Rachel said to him in immeasurable nonchalance. Whatever he wanted to say, he better say it fast because she had other things in her mind.

"Rachel.... I " Hosea said breathlessly before almost losing his balance and alarming Rachel.

Woah Hosea, are you okay?" She asked genuinely as she held him in place.

"Sorry" he apologised as he rubbed his temples "a little jet lagged since I landed this afternoon"

"You can come in and have a seat, it must be hard standing up" Rachel offered.

Rachel placed a glass of water in front of him after he came in.

"You should have that, it might help a bit" she offered.

Hosea thanked her and sent her a tired smile.

Rachel sat opposite him, "so what brings you to my home at..." she trailed off to glance at the clock "12:10 in the dead of the night?" She asked.

Hosea's shoulders slumped as he let out a sigh.

"I... I just came to apologise" he said after a moment.

"By 12 pm?" Rachel gave him a bemused look, "Hosea I wouldn't have let you in if you didn't just almost collapse at my front door you know that right? "

"I'm sorry, I came at the wrong time but I just had to" he said in a rasp voice


"Because!" his tone became higher which alarmed Rachel a little, "Because..." he continued in a gentler voice, "I can't...I cant bear to see you angrier at me than you already are" his voice sounded hurt.

Rachel was clearly not moved. All these men did enjoy was to do things their way, why would he come by this time what if she was asleep but no their own time and decisions were the most appropriate

"You could have waited till morning, I'm really tired-"

"Don't you ever think about us?" Hosea said suddenly.

She was taken aback for a second and she almost laughed at his audacity.

"No" She said curtly

"Rachel, you can't say you don't miss what we had" he said in a desperate voice and Rachel's mood depreciated instantly.

"What we had in the past was a mistake, we shouldn't have even been together in the first place, we both didn't have the same motive while going into that relationship and I'm glad to say that I learn from my mistakes" Rachel said.

"We were never a mistake" Hosea countered urgently. "Don't you see we had something special"

He had horrible pickups, she'd give him that.

"I made a big mistake Hosea" Rachel sighed. The conversation was making her tired and she just wanted him to leave, she stood up to signal to him that the conversation was over and she wasn't interested.

"Rachel listen to me" Hosea stood up as well. He sounded hurt but Rachel could care less, as far as she was concerned he's pestering was beginning to get on her nerves.

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