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"Do I really have to go to Korea mom?" I roll my eyes. "Why can't I just go to school here and stay with my vampire friends!" I say. "Because. Hanni Pham, Seoul has one of the best education classes to offer! And education is important! You're delinquent friends are not that important, all they ever do is give you trouble!" My mother says and hands me my luggage.

"DANIELLE!" I call out and see her appear next to me. "Yes?" She asks. "You're coming to Korea with me." I say and head out the door. "WHAT?" My mother and Danielle shout in unison. "Danielle and I are like sister mother. You can never separate us." I say and then glance at Danielle to see her eyes soften and a bright smile forms on her face.

"I love you Hanni!" My mother shouts one last time before I get in the car. "Love you too." I roll my eyes but deep down I meant it.


Seoul, Korea

"Hanni I'm glad you brought me here! It's so beautiful!" Danielle says as she embraces the warm sun shining down on us from above . "Yeah yeah let's go!" I chuckle.

"Hanni Pham and Mo Danielle." I greet the administrators of the school I'm supposed to start going to. "Hello ladies! I am Professor Hyunjin." A tall man smiles at us making his eyes disappear. "I will lead you to your dorms, although you are not roommates." He says. "WHAT?" We shout and he looks startled. We bow to apologize.

"Sorry ma'am but we had already sorted out your roommates ahead of time. " He smiles apologetically. I glance and Danielle, "We better meet up at night every fucking day Danielle!" She rolls her eyes, "Of course we will! We together forever!" I chuckle at her thoughts. "Are you two ready to go?" He says as he watched me and Danielle communicate with our thoughts. "Yes!" I say and we follow him.


"Mo Danielle this is will be your roommate for the rest of the semester, Kim minji." Professor Hyunjin says and the girl before us bows. "Hello I am Kim minji." She smiles at us. Danielle bows and smiles. She glances at me, "She's hot." I roll my eyes, "Danielle don't even think about it!" I glare at her and she smirks and then bites her lip looking minji up and down.

The girl before us blushes but tries to shake it off by being confident. "Hanni let's go meet your roommate, you can always come back to this room, it's down the hall of your dorm." Professor Hyunjin says and I follow him but not before waving at Danielle who still has a smirk plastered on her face. That hoe.


"Hanni Pham this is Kang Haerin, judging by your grades from your old school, Haerin could help you with them. She is one of our best students on campus and is also the student body president, so take in some tips on how she does it." Professor Hyunjin says in the nicest way possible but still sounds rude.

I see a thin girl walk to the door when Professor Hyunjin calls her. She has long, brown wavy hair, swollen lips almost as if-

"Excuse me." A girl comes out of her room running while holding her clothes. Haerin apologizes repeatably to the Professor for having to see her in this situation. "No need. Your personal life doesn't concern me." He smiles awkwardly. "Kang Haerin. This is hanni Pham, your new roommate." He smiles and I bow to her and smile. Her eyes roam around my body and she furrows her eyebrows, annoyance clearly posted on her face.

"You may get settled hanni." He says and leaves. I step into the room and find her side clearly messing, I know why. "Must of been a fun night huh?" I chuckle trying to make it less awkward. "Look stay to your side." She rolls her eyes and fixes her bed. "Well damn.." I say and fix my side to my liking.

I feel a pair of eyes on me and glance through my mirror and see Haerin staring at me. "Take a picture, it will last longer." I say and she rolls her eyes. "I didn't have a roommate till you showed up." She glares and checks her face for pimples. "Sorry? I don't know what you want me to say." I shrug and lay down on my bed, it is comfy but not as comfy as the last one I had.

"Why did you even come here?" She asks out of the blue and I sit up, looking at her. "For better education, which you are supposed to help me." I say and she chuckles. "I'm not helping you." She says. "Why not?" I ask. "Because I don't like you." She says and now I chuckle. "I literally just got here and you already don't like me.." I say and she stand up and pushes me down on my bed.

"Don't try to ruin or even take my image, okay? I'm not helping you figure it out on your own!" She says and goes to the kitchen.

I smirk as I read her thoughts the moment she laid her hands on me.

I need to go to danielle being in this room is already making me feel suffocated.


I took your idea into consideration;) also first chapter out! Second one is coming y'all be patient 🙄

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