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"Let me have a taste." Hanni smirks at me and comes closer. I know this isn't Hanni, she just seems off. She seems more...evil.

"Hanni wait what are you-" I struggled to say as Hanni plants both of her hands on either side of me, trapping me against the counter. "Hanni...baby?" I say with nervousness and she just smirks and starts kissing me. I kiss her back obviously and her tongue slides across my bottom lip, then she bites my bottom lip...too hard. "OW! HANNI!" I pull away and caress my bottom lip that is now bleeding.

I glance at Hanni and I could've sworn her eyes just flashed red...

"I'm sorry." She smirks and kisses me again, sucking on my bottom lip that doesn't have blood anymore. "You taste so good." She whispers against my ear sending shivers down my spine in both a good and bad way. This isn't my Hanni...

She trails her kisses from my jawline to my neck. She begins to kiss and suck my sweet spot on my neck that she bit earlier. I start to feel more pressure in that area as she is sucking on the wound. "Hanni..." I say and try to push her off but she's too strong. "HANNI!" I yell louder but she isn't listening. Then I feel a sharp pain in my neck, Hanni bit me harder this time. "OW HANNI! STOP YOU'RE HURTING ME!" I shout and still there is no hope to pushing her off. I feel dizzy...

"HANNI!" Danielle comes in and Yanks Hanni off of me. "MOVE DANIELLE!" She yells at Danielle and punches her causing Danielle to be thrown against the wall. "HANNI STOP IT!" I yell and back away behind Danielle as Hanni was coming closer to me. Her eyes...her eyes are red... there's blood on the corners of her mouth...fangs? Could she be-

"HANNI ENOUGH!" Danielle punches Hanni in the face. Hanni slowly turns her attention to Danielle now and charges at her. "HISS!" Hanni hisses at Danielle and Danielle does the same but louder, causing Hanni to snap back to herself. "Danielle?" Hanni asks. Danielle sighs and glances at me, she reaches her hand out to grab my hand but I pull away, frightened. "Haerin...let us explain...please." I look into Danielle's pleading eyes.

"Let them explain Haerin." Minji comes up from behind me and closes the door behind her. I glance at Minji, then Danielle, then...hanni. Hanni can't even look me in the eyes right now. "Go ahead." I nod and Danielle sighs in relief.

"Haerin...as you can see...hanni and I are different...we- we aren't exactly, entirely...human." Danielle says and I frown in confusion, well I know that. Danielle glances at Hanni for her to continue. "We are vampires." Hanni says with a hint of sadness in her voice. I glance at Minji with my widen eyes to see if she is just as shocked as I am but she isn't?

"Did you know?" I ask her and she nods. "Haerin...I'm so sorry! I really didnt mean to!" Hanni says and gets on her knees in front of me. I take a step backwards in shock as I see Hanni on her knees in front of me with an almost begging expression plastered on her face. "Why did you do it?" I ask as I get on my knees in front of her as well. She glances up at me then looks down with a saddened face.

"I...haven't been getting my...daily blood." She scratches the back of her neck. "And I accidentally bit you then your blood was trailing down and these voices in my head got to me and then..." She trails off while still not making eye contact with me.

"YOU HAVEN'T BEEN GETTING YOUR DAILY BLOOD?!" Danielle yells and smacks Hanni in the back of the head. "Danielle you know I don't like KILLING PEOPLE!" She screams back at Danielle. "Hanni I know you don't but...we have to for our survival!" Danielle holds onto Hanni's shoulder before bringing her into a warm hug.

"Was I at least sweet?" I chuckle at my joke. Hanni blushes before nodding her head. "Hanni...I love you. I don't know why you would keep this huge secret hidden from me...and minji knew? You told her and not me?" I pout. "Well I actually found out..." Minji raises her hand in defense. "Danielle accidentally shouted she needed blood one time and that's when I knew...also she feeds off me!" Minji smiles. "WHAT?" I shout out.

"You can feed off of someone without killing them?!" I ask the vampires and they both nod. "Yes but we have to be very careful to not get too...sucked up in your blood..." Danielle chuckles. "Or else we can kill you if we drink too much." Hanni says.

I grab Hanni's hand and intertwine our fingers, "Hanni. You can feed off me! That way you won't have to kill anyone else!" I smile and her eyes widen. "No Haerin! I can't feed off of you! I don't want to hurt you!" She says. "Hanni...you won't hurt me." I chuckle. Hanni glances at Danielle and it's almost like they are talking with their mind.

"Can you guys communicate with your mind or what?" I blurt out. "Yep!" They both say and go back to looking at each other. "They are so weird." Minji says as she wraps an arm of hers around my shoulder.

"Alright. Haerin you better scream if Hanni won't stop sucking you-" Danielle says and holds minjis hand. "Sucking your blood, if it's the other one and your screaming, I am DEFINITELY NOT helping you!" Danielle scrunches up her face in disgust and hanni and I both blush at her comment.

"Anyways can we go get some food? Like food food!" Hanni says to Danielle and Danielle finally gets the hint. "Okay how about you guys wait here why Hanni and I go get food!" Danielle says to Minji and I. "Why can't Hanni drink my blood now?" I ask as I caught onto their act.

"Haerin...I haven't had blood in days...I will need the whole thing in order to be back to normal...and I am not doing that to you!" Hanni caresses my cheek before planting a sweet kiss on my forehead. "Okay...HURRY back because I am hungry for MY food!" I pout and both the vampires nod.

"We are dating vampires..." I say Outloud to Minji. "Yep and we are their blood source..." Minji and I both space out.

Y'all really think ima be like those other stories that never let them explain shit? HELL NO! 🤪

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