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"So we are spying on leeseo?" Danielle asks for the 3rd time. "Danielle you slow bitch! Yes God damnit!" I roll my eyes and Danielle hits me. "Shut the fuck up, it's early in the damn morning you should've expected my slow ass!" She rolls her eyes at me and yawns shortly after.

"Hey where are you guys going?" Haerin comes into the living room along with minji by her side. "Going to spy on Hanni's obsessed stalker." Danielle yawns once again. "We will go to since we don't have classes today either!" Minji smiles as she walks over to Danielle and clings to her. "I think I'm gonna vomit.." I pretend to gag as I look at the couple. "At least we didn't do it in a classroom!" Danielle rolls her eyes and Haerin and I blush. "Anyways. Let's go!" I say and grab haerin's hand while the other couple follows.


"Shes a first year so she should be in the first year the morning but afternoon she is with Hanni's class because she's passed the advanced test." Haerin says. "Perks of having the president on your side." Danielle smirks at me. "I know everything about everyone." Haerin smiles. "Well you didn't know that me and hanni were vampires so..." Danielle says and Haerin smacks her. "That is different!" She huffs.

"Tell me why y'all are spending your off day at school stalking some girl." Hyein comes up to us making us jump and collide with one another. "HYEIN!" We all say and she chuckles. "Because that girl is planning to do something to Hanni and we want to know what she is planning!" Haerin says and hyein hums. "Leeseo?" She asks as her eyes glance at the girl who was just coming out of a car.

Danielle and I expand our hearing to see what they were saying. "Bye honey remember, let the pale ones know you will run this school!" A man says to leeseo, guessing her dad. Danielle and I glance at each other with confusion on our face but also, shocked. "Pale ones? Why would she have to let the pale ones know she is gonna run this place?" Danielle says out loud and everyone glances at her. "What did you guys here?" Minji asks us.

"Leeseo is supposed to let the pale ones know she is gonna run this place?!" I say and Haerin thinks. "She must be like you guys!" Haerin says. "Yeah pale ones usually stick together...not go against each other..." Danielle and I say at the same time.

"Maybe a werewolf?" Minji questions. "Why do you think that?" Danielle asks her. "Well the car she got out of just drove past us, and the guy kept looking at you and hanni...he looked hairy..." Minji scrunches up her face in disgust. "And their license plate says WeAreWolf..." Minji says. "I love you! You are so smart!" Danielle says as she pulls minji into a tight hug and kisses her forehead.

"Wait...we can't jump to conclusions! We have to find a way for her to prove it!" I say and Haerin rolls her eyes. "Why can't we just kick her out?!" Hyein says. "Good idea! I agree with hyein!" Haerin raises her hand and I hit her softly. "Danielle when is the next full moon?" I ask Danielle and she glances at her phone. After scrolling and finding she says, "Tomorrow!" I nod, "Then we will follow her car tomorrow after school!" I say and our entire group nods. "I'm coming too! This is exciting!" Hyein smiles.


"I mean no one has noticed how sloppy she eats?" Hyein asks us as we secretly watch leeseo eat lunch. "Girl you can't be talking-" I say to hyein and she pouts. "I don't eat like that!" She sighs and the entire group looks at her with a 'really' face.

"Look someone is coming up to her!" I say and the entire group goes silent. "Who's that?" Danielle says out loud. "That's Sakura, she's a 3rd year!" Haerin says and raises an eyebrow. "I wouldn't have thought she would hang out with leeseo, who is a 1st year?!" Haerin says. "And the suspense continues!" Hyein gasps sarcastically.

"Can I hit her?" Danielle asks us and hyein hides behind Haerin. "Guys look...they are gone!" Minji says and we all glance to where leeseo was sitting only to find it empty. "What the hell?" I say.

"Hanni? Why are you here?" Leeseo comes up from behind me.m, making me freeze. "Well we decided to just walk around the school cause why not!" I chuckle along with my friends. Leeseo eyes each and every one of us down but connects her eyes back to mine and flashes me a smile.

I glance at Danielle and she signals to me. "Ask her if she wants to hangout tomorrow night! Remember it's a full moon so you might actually see if she is a Wolfie!" Danielle says. "What if she agrees to hang anyways?!" I say. "Well then I'll pray for you!" I mentally slap Danielle across the face, mentally.

"Leeseo want to hangout tomorrow night?!" I smile at her and she smiles but frowns. "What day is tomorrow?" She asks me. "the 13th?!" I say and she mumbles something to herself that I couldn't quite hear. "S-sure..." She smiles nervously. "Are you okay?" I ask and she nods quickly before saying she has to go.

"Um...what the fuck?!" Haerin hits my shoulder. "This is to see if she actually changes during the full moon!" I say and she sighs. "Okay...but I will be watching y'all!" Haerin kisses my cheek and I blush. "Us too! We are all going to your dorm tomorrow hanni!" Hyein smirks and I just pray that they won't make it too suspicious.

"Let's hope she doesn't go Wolfie on us and try to eat us!" Minji chuckles nervously. "Don't worry hanni and I will protect all of you!" Danielle says and we high five each other.

Could she be a Wolfie?!

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