Full Moon

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"You nervous for your little date with leeseo!?" Danielle teases me. "Ahem." Haerin says as she wraps her arms around my arm pulling me into her, while holding onto me tightly. "It's not a date just a little experiment!" Haerin rolls her eyes at Danielle and Danielle just sticks her tongue out her.

"I swear minji I'm gonna cut off your girlfriend's tongue!" Haerin says. "Don't how do you think minji would feel! She would feel nothing!!" Danielle pouts dramatically. "Ew gross!" Hyein says.

We all have arrived into Haerin and i's dorm, getting ready to set everything up and hide my friends.

"We should put a camera right here!" Hyein says as she puts one secretly in a plant that is next to Haerin and I's Tv. "Make sure none of the cameras are noticable!" I sigh, hoping they won't get me killed, LITERALLY.

"ALL SET!" Danielle shouts. "Alright you guys go in haerin's room!" I say. "Make sure you guys spray down everything to drown out the smell of y'all!" I say as I get ready myself.

A few moments later, I hear our doorbell ring. "Coming!" I yell and run to the door. "Leeseo! Hey..." I smile at her. She is wearing a white blouse that is cropped with blue jean shorts that seem to be dangerously short. Meanwhile I just have on some sweats and a Tshirt.

"Come in." I say and move out of the doorframe for her to step foot in. She glances around before making eye contact with me again. "Movie?" She asks me. "I'm already dressed for it!" I chuckle as I sit on the couch grabbing the remote. She sits next to me as scoots closer to me, her thigh touching mine.

"Let's watch...teen wolf!" I say as I click on the classic. I feel her stiffen a little bit relax when I glance at her. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Why did you decide to finally hangout with me?" She asks me while turning her body to face me. "To hangout as friends. I know Haerin doesn't like you but we can still be friends." I come up with an excuse and she seems to believe it. "I'm glad!" She smiles while placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Let's watch the movie now." I smile and she smiles too.


About 2 hours have past and the movie is on the ending credits. Leeseo was stiff the entire time...which added to my clues about her werewolf side.

"What time is it?" She asks while snuggling into the crook of my neck. "It's about to be 11pm..." I say while faking a yawn. "Hanni..." Leeseo says as she moves her head up to look at me. "Yeah?" I ask. "I like you...a lot." She says. "I know that already." I say. "No!" She says and straddles my lap. "I like you more than Haerin likes you, I can promise you that!" She says while looking deeply into my eyes. "No you don't leeseo I'm just a little crush for you!" I say as I try to push her off of my lap but she grabs my wrists harshly and pins them to my side.

"Listen to me God damnit!" She grunts through her teeth and I swear her eye flashed a light yellow. "Leeseo...are you okay? You're sweating a lot! And..." I couldn't finish what I was gonna say when I glance at her hands and see claws instead of her fingernails.

She quickly puts them behind her back. "You are a werewolf!" I say and she covers her ears upon hearing her kind. "SHUT UP!" She says as she pushes me down on the couch. "Let me taste you!" She says with dark, lustful, and uncontrollable eyes. "No!" I say and slap her in the face, only aggravating the dog.

"Don't think I don't know what you are hanni...I know about the pale ones too!" She smirks as her sharp teeth start to come out of her mouth. Is she gonna bite me?!

"My father always tells me to kill every single vampire I meet, I wanted to make an exception for you but...you rejected me." She pouts before smirking. "Killing vampires gets boring sometimes." She sighs. "Killing werewolves gets boring sometimes too." I smile mockingly at her before shoving her off of me and throwing her on the ground with a hard slam.

"BITCH!" She groans before getting up and growls lowly at me. I hiss at her revealing my red eyes and fangs, along with my short but sharp claws on my fingers.

"So this is how we are going to end our movie date?" Leeseo chuckles. "It wasn't even a date to begin with." I chuckle and she growls at me before charging at me with a harsh swing. I dodged it luckily but she nearly got me.

"Hanni...I don't want to have to kill you!" Leeseo says. "You won't because I'll kill you first." I smile and Leeseo instantly frowns upon hearing my answer.

I charge at leeseo and she charges at me. We both fall to the ground, rolling around left and right, scratching each other everywhere. I climb up onto her while she was flipped onto her stomach. I sink my teeth into her neck, Sucking the life out of her. "HISS-" She hisses in pain as she tries to tear my teeth out of her but it will only hurt more if she does so.

She slowly stands up while I hang onto her back. She backs up quickly into a wall and my back collides with it roughly, making a huge hole into the wall. She does this again on another wall and I swear my back might be broken tomorrow if she keeps doing so.

"Get off me you bloody fucker!" She groans as she tries to run back into another wall but her stamina is slowly decreasing.  I drag my free hand up her arm to her shoulder and up to her neck. I run my fingers over her neck slowly before digging my claws Into it and slicing it open with one quick, swift move.

"Fu-" Leeseo couldn't speak as blood was spilling out of her neck from my cut and my bite. Her knees hit the floor first before her head slams against the floor, eyes wide open and mouth agape as she stares into the holes in my wall. I grab her by her hair, lifting her up and placing my other hand below her chin then moving her head with a quick snap of her neck.

Silence fills the room and I sit on top of Leeseo's lifeless body. I rub my lower back, feeling the soreness already kick in. I glance at my shirt and see it is completely ripped from her claws and a few scratches are seen on my torso.

"Thought I was gonna have to help you!" Danielle finally comes out of the room. "Keep Haerin back!" I say and Danielle nods while pushing Haerin back into the room as she was about to come out. "Hanni!" She calls my name. "I don't want her to see this side of me!" I say and Danielle nods again. "Hanni I don't care what side of you I see! I love every side of you either way!" Haerin yells and I gasps.

"You love me?" I ask and I hear her hum.

"I do Hanni, I really do..." She says and I feel my entire body be filled with warmth, especially my heart as it pumps loudly and quickly.

Awww gays 🥺🤞🏻

Saurrr I'm trying to finish this story and it is almost done btw then I'll do the daerin one and then...I'll start doing some of y'all's recommendations 💅🏻

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