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"I like you Hanni Pham." She says as her soft hand cups my left cheek. I stare deeply into her eyes, she isn't lying. "I-i- really?!" I stutter and she chuckles cutely. "Yes!" She practically yells at me as she pulls me into a soft hug.

"Hey hanni! So-" Danielle barges into our dorm. "Oh...well then I'll just leave you two be!" Danielle tries to walk away but I shout her name. "What is it Dani?" I ask as I pull away from haerin's embrace. "So...some girl at a bar was found dead..." Danielle says and glances at haerin and me. "She needs to leave!", "Ohhh was it Garam?!" I ask. "Yes the one you "killed", they found her body which was not hidden well!" She says. "Killed? I did kill her, they won't find me so-" I shrug. "Hanni...she's alive!"

I spit out my water. "WHAT?!" I shout and Haerin looks even more confused. "What were y'all talking about?" She asks. "Nothing should get some sleep!" I peck her lips and she smiles before heading off to bed.

"What the fuck do you mean she's alive?!" I whisper shout at Danielle. "LOOK!" She says and turns the TV on revealing the news with the said victim. "Hanni...this is why I always hide the bodies! I just hide them better!" She says flicking her hair over her shoulder in a cocky way. I slap her arm, "Shut the hell up!" I roll my eyes. "You better fix this before she comes for you!" Danielle says.


It's early in the morning and I leave to go find Garam. It won't be hard because I already tasted her blood so I can know where she's at just by her scent.

People glance at me weird because I'm sniffing the air, I just ignore them. I follow the scent which leads to a hotel near a hospital. As I walk closer, I smell alcohol and cigarettes in almost every room. "This is so disgusting." I say to myself and stand in front of a door where I'm guessing Garam is because I can smell her. I knock 3 times and hear shuffling on the other side of the door.

"Who is it?" A woman yells. Shit. "Delivery." I say awkwardly. The shuffling stops right in front of the door and the sounds of locks being twisted fill my ears. The door opener revealing Garam in a robe with her hair wet from a shower I assume. Her eyes widened as she becomes familiar with the same face that nearly killed her last time. She tries to close the door but she can't move.

My eyes glow a dark red and she is in a trance as she slowly backs away. I step forward, trapping her between me and the wall. "Well...I didn't expect you to survive." I smile and she swallows in fear. I run my fingers through her hair, "Don't be afraid. You wanted me the other night didn't you?" I smirk and she gasps. I kiss her neck and I feel the cold sweat run down her neck as she gasps in fear. "I would drink your blood again but...I'm not hungry." I shrug and place both my hands on her neck.

"What are you doing?" She manages to speak. "Nothing." I smile and snap her neck. Her dead body collapsed onto the ground and I drag it to the bed as I pull the cover over her body. "Rest in peace." I sadly smile.


"FINISHED!" I barge into Danielle and minjis dorm. "Oh wow! You guys actually have clothes on!" I gasps in shock. "shut the fuck up!" Danielle rolls her eyes as she feeds Minji a tomato from her salad. "Oh my god get a room!" I scoff. "Bitch you're in OUR room!" Danielle throws a tomato at me but I catch it with my mouth and eat it. "You killed her?", "yep snapped her neck and everything." Danielle rolls her eyes, "So easy brour" She says and I smile. "What's so easy?" Minji asks. "Hanni is so easy baby. She's a hoe." Danielle says and minji listens carefully. "Well she's a hot hoe." Minji shrugs. "HA YOU'RE GIRLFRIEND CALLED ME HOT!" I shout and raise my hands in victory to rub in danielles face.

"Who's girlfriend called my girlfriend hot?" Haerin barges in with a small pocket knife in her hand. I turn around blocking her from trying to use that on anyone, "Woah woah kitty Kang!" I chuckle and her stormy eyes are replaced with sunshines ones once she meets my dark ones. "Also I'm your girlfriend?" I smirk and she blushes. " you want to be my girlfriend?" Haerin asks me.

"Are you officially asking me to be your girlfriend?" I smile at her. "Yes. Please?" She smiles. "Of course I will Haerin!" I peck her cheek. "Great!" Haerin smiles and tightens her hug around me while glancing at my friends. "If any one of y'all bitches tries to get with her I'll slice your throat!" She smiles. "DAMN CHILL! WE AINT WANT HER-" Danielle raises up her hands in defense. "Possessive much." Minji rolls her eyes and Haerin's eyes throw daggers at her.

"I like them crazy." I say.

"Psh. Yeah you do!" Danielle scoffs.

Yay!!! Now how is hanni gonna confess to her really CRAZY possessive girlfriend that's she's a blood sucker🤔🤔🤔

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