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"What do you want Miss Haerin?" I say mockingly and she leads us into an empty classroom. "What did hyein say to you?" She glares at me. I smirk realizing this is a perfect chance to tease her. "She said you liked me!" I smile and Haerin gasps. "I DO NOT! I WILL NEVER LIKE YOU!" Haerin steps closer to be, clearly invading my personal space.

"Why do you always invade my personal space?" I ask and she steps even closer. "You don't get to have personal space." She says. "Well then neither do you!" I smirk and turn us around, now she is against the wall.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She raises her voice at me. "I'm not touching you though, you're the one touching me though!" I say and look down at her hands that had made their way around my waist. Haerin glances down at her hands and removes them from being snaked around my waist.

"Get off of me." She says through gritted teeth. I close my eyes as they focus on her mind. "Do you really want me to though?" I smirk as I lean against her ear. I hear her breath hitch as my hot breath exhaled against her ear. I look back at her face and see her staring at me with dark eyes.

I see her glance at my lips then back up at my eyes. Her eyes widen realizing she had been caught. She quickly pushes me away or tries to but I grab her hands, pinning them above her head. She moans at the contact if being pinned...and dominated.

"Why are you in denial?" I ask softly and she looks at me, eyes softening but then turning into her infamous glare again. She pushes me off, and then slaps me. She looks at her hand and then me in panic. "Sorry...i-" I didn't let her finish as I pin her to the wall. I grab her face and pull her into my lips, capturing hers.

Not long after Haerin begins to kiss me back, much more stronger than me, more passionately. Her hands snake around my waist, pulling me closer into her body. My hands make their way to her ass, grabbing it and then she starts pushing me back. My butt hits the desk and I flip us over, laying her down as I get on top of her. "Mhm~" She moans when I start kissing her neck. "I will never like you my ass, seems like you're enjoying this Kang." I whisper against her ear causing her to shiver but it was replaced with a whimper.

"I don't like you!" She says finally stopping what didn't even start yet. I smirk at the obvious but refrain myself. "Get out before I have you expelled!" She says and I raise my hands up in defeat. "Okay Miss Kang Haerin, call me when you need me." I wink at her and see her blush before I leave the door, lips swollen and red.

"What was that about?" Danielle comes around a corner making me jump in fear. "WARNING NEXT TIME!" I say while holding my heart, "And it was nothing!" I say. "Then why are your lips red and swollen and why are you out of breath and why are your pants unbuttoned and why-" I cover her mouth, "Do you ever be quiet?" I sigh.

"Tell me everything." Danielle mumbles through my hand. "Well...she got mad at me for saying what hyein told me." I said and Danielle nods her head for me to continue. "I lied kind of to tease her and she fell for it." I try to hide a laugh but it came out as a snort. "I said hyein told me she likes me!" I burst out laughing and Danielle for once is serious and wants me to continue. "And then she pushed me against the wall since she obviously loves doing that so much. Then I flipped us over and pushed her against the wall...then things got...heated.." I say and Danielle hits me.

"CONTINUE!" She yells and I giggle feeling like a teenager with butterflies in their stomach...wait butterflies?

"She slaps me then I kissed her." I say and Danielle laughs. "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?!" I shout and punch her shoulder. "Because that's usually not the reaction people would do if they got slapped, I would've slapped back not kissed the enemy!" Danielle covers her mouth as she laughs.

"Look I don't know i just..." , "You just wanted to kiss her!" Danielle finishes my sentence. I nod, "I don't know why I just wanted to kiss her, her lips looked very...kissable!" I say as I cover my face in embarrassment. "You like her." Danielle says. "No I'm not supposed to like her! She hates my guts and can get me expelled!" I say and Danielle frowns. "She kissed back right?" She asks. I nod. "She likes you but doesn't want to admit it." Danielle says.

" of right now...I enjoy teasing her after knowing the effect I have in her." I smirk and Danielle smirks too. "Why are you here why did you leave minji?" I ask her. "Minji went to the bathroom, I went with her-" Danielle widens her eyes. "DANIELLE MARSH-" I say and she giggles then runs away.

"DONT JUDGE ME! AT LEAST I DONT HAVE A ENEMIES TO LOVERS TROPE LIKE YOU!" Danielle says as she runs down the hallway.


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