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"Did something happen that made me change?" Haerin asks with curiosity. My thoughts race back and forth in my head. "Haerin...i-" The emotions started to get to me. "Just... HOW! How can you not remember?! You were that drunk!? You lied! You said you weren't drunk!" I frantically throw out words as she stares at me in confusion.

She grabs my hands and pulls me closer, "Hanni...what are you talking about!?" She asks me. "THAT NIGHT! WHEN WE SLEPT TOGETHER!" I shout and she lets go of me. "We...we- slept t-together? Like in the same bed? Or-" , "TOGETHER HAERIN! You are not innocent so I know you know what I mean!" I rub my temples.

"I SLEPT WITH YOU! I WAS DRUNK THOUGH...I think?" She says the last part quietly. "You think? Haerin what do you remember because we both confessed..." I say. "Confessed what?!" She asks. "OUR FEELINGS!" I say. "I- Hanni...I'm sorry but, i-" She was stuttering and I couldn't even put together what she was trying to say.

"Forget it Haerin." I say and grab my jacket since it was a little bit cold outside. "WAIT- where are you going?!" She asks. "Somewhere." I say and close the door, not giving a crap about what she has to say.


"Another." I tell the bartender. "Ma'am are you sure? You already seem a BIT-" , "Another." I say. She shrugs and makes me another drink. I glance around and see that the bar is nearly completely empty, a few other drunk people are seen. "You look super wasted..." A feminine voice speaks next to me. "Sooooo.." I slur as I turn to view her face. Small nose, cute eyes, plump lips, well then.

She smiles at me, "Kim Garam." I force a drunk smile at her, "Hanni Pham." She clicks her tongue as she grabs my drink from my hand and downs it in one go. "Hey-" She places her index finger on my lip, "I needed the drink if I'm gonna talk to you." She says against my ear. "Why do you neeeeEd a drinnK just to tAlk to Me?" I smirk. "You make me nervous.." She blushes.

My senses stopped. Hanni, Haerin feels nothing for you remember! She was too drunk and you came here to get your mind off of her so...heres a solution...

"Why are you here alone?" She asks me. "BEcause...I AM!" Anyways Stan dreamcatcher and Ive💪🏻

"You're too pretty to be alone.." She says as she scoots closer to me and pulls my chair closer to her. My eyes trail down her body, slender fingers, small hands, and most importantly...her neck. I lick my lips and thought of them being placed on her neck...maybe even bitting into her neck.

With that sudden thought, the roaring sound of hunger was released into my brain. "Hungry..." I say lowly. "For what?" She smirks. "For you." I smirk while my eyes show a glimpse of red but she was too hazed to even notice. "Follow me." She says and grabs my hand. This poor girl doesn't know she's about to die because of a hungry brokenhearted vampire.

She leads me to a hotel that was right next to the bar, how convenient.

"One bed...or two?" The lady asks. Garam looks at me, "One bed." She smirks. The lady hands us a key and closes her window after signaling that she's closed. Garam runs all the way to our designated room.

She locks the door and pulls me in for a kiss. Little does she know I didn't come here for her...well not in this way of course. I trail kisses down her jawline to reach my destination. I lick her neck swiftly and then..

"AH-" I cover her mouth with the palm of my hand as she mumbles cries of pain through it. I drain all the blood out of her and release my teeth through her pierced skin, blood dripping from my mouth. I wipe the blood with my tongue, swallowing and savoring every flavor of it.

I look at Garam lying dead on the floor, pale, wrinkly skin. My time is done here.


I stumble my way back to the elevator that is in the building of my dorm.

I walk down the hallway slowly, nearly tripping over my own feet. "OW!" I say as I trip and hit my head on the wall causing a loud bang. "Hanni?" Danielle calls my name. "HeYyy DaniElllE!!" I smile sweetly and my best friend. "Oh gosh you smell like alcohol!" She gags as I pull her into a tight hug. "SAURRRRRR I'm yourrrr best friEnndd! It shouldn't matterrr!!" I pout.

"HANNI!" Another female shouts my name. "Yes that's my name! Don't wear it outt!!" I smile and look at the voice. "WHERE WERE YOU! YOU REAK OF ALCOHOL!" Haerin says as she holds her nose. "Yeah I have a high tolerance if you couldn't telll~" I raise a finger. "Did someone punch you in the mouth? Why is there blood?!" Haerin says as she places her hand under my chin, inspecting the area.

"Well~ about that! I actually just sucked the bl-", "OKAY! You know what!? I'll take care of her!" Danielle smiles at haerin and drags me into her dorm. "She's my roommate. I'll take care of her!" Haerin says as she grabs my free arm and pulls me from Danielle. "Haerin don't know how she is when she's drunk!" Danielle says and pulls me. "Well...I will find out!" Haerin says and pulls me. "Ladiesssssss~ there's enough of me to go around!" I smirk and Danielle rolls her eyes. "Hanni shut the fuck up!" Danielle slaps me and I suddenly wake up.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask somewhat conscious now. "I'll take her!" Haerin says and her and Danielle continue to argue. "ENOUGH!" I shout and they both let go of my arm. I glance at Danielle. "You killed someone huh? Because you were mad at haerin.", "Yes Danielle I did. I also had the urge for blood so...", "You know what happens if you let it control you!", "Yes, yes I know! Relax. I'm still in control!" I roll my eyes at her.

I walk out of the room and head to my dorm. "Why did you go to a bar?!" Haerin says as she follows me. "Why do you care Ms.Perfect?" I say. "Hanni!" She says and pulls my wrist. Her eyes pierce through mine with visible worry, but why?

"Hanni...look I'm sorry..." She says. "For?" I ask. "For that night...I remember now...I'm sorry it took me a while to fully... remember." She says while looking down. "Okay." I shrug and walk to my room, taking off my jacket. "Which means-" She follows me. I turn around and fully face her. "What Haerin? Look I'm really tired right now and Lowkey probably gonna be slightly hungover so-" She kissed me.

Haerin's lips sealed mine shut with hers as she engulfed me with a sweet and loving kiss. We parted for a catch of breath and stare into each others eyes.

"Yes I do like you Hanni Pham."

Awww how sweet🥺now who's gonna die?

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