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I put on a black leather jacket with a crop top under and some ripped jeans, along with black combat boots. I check myself in the mirror applying a light layer of lip gloss that is just enough to make my lips look plump and kissable.

"Where are you going?" Haerin asks me and I glance at her through my mirror. "Out. With Danielle." I say and I see her eyebrows twitch. "Who's Danielle?" She asks. "She's my best friends, basically like a sister to me." I say and see Haerin scoff. "We have a curfew here, nobody out past 10pm and we'll...it's past 10pm." She says and I roll my eyes. "Listen here teachers pet, I don't care." I smile sarcastically.

"I'm going to tell professor Hyunjin and then you'll be sent back to where you came from." She smirks. I turn around, fully facing her. "You better not Kang!" I say to her. If my mother finds out she will definitely kill me, I thought. "Then you can't go out." She smirks at my defeat. I hear a knock on the door. "Come in Danielle!" I say and she enters the room with a smirk. "Girl I got so much to tell you about KIM-" I shut her up with my glare and she glances at haerin and then it finally clicks.

"Oh uh-I'll wait outside." She smiles and closes the door.

"Haerin just this one-", "No." She says and sits on her bed. I roll my eyes, why was I trying to beg her to let me go? I'm an adult, I can do my own shit. "I'm leaving." I say. "Yeah you will be tomorrow." She smiles. I let out a loud sigh, "Haerin. I won't ask you to help me with my work, if you just let me go." I say and I see her think about my offer. "Fine." She rolls her eyes and I smile then run out.


"So basically Kim minji is quiet, she's a total introvert, shes the opposite of me. I like that." Danielle smirks. "Mhm. I'm sure you do, is that why your lips are swollen." I laugh and see her blush. "Shut the fuck up hanni! It's not my fault my charm is better than yours!" Danielle says to me and I gasp. "I have charm!" I hit her shoulder and she flys off her chair. "Bitch watch it with the supernatural strength! We don't want anyone finding out about us!" She groans in pain as she gets back on her chair.

"Danielle we have 1 day left before we have to take blood again." I remind her and she sighs and nods. "Should I take blood off of minjis?!" She smiles and I hit her again. "Are you crazy!?" I shout over the loud music at this person's house party.

I glance around at everyone in the room, still feeling eyes on me. "Hey there's minji!" I say. "Where?!" Danielle practically screams and I laugh. "Gotcha bitch! You whipped whipped!" I say but then squeal in pain as she starts to tickle me. "I hate you." She says and I laugh, "I love you too!"


"That was fun!" I slur out while walking next to Danielle, dropping her off at her dorm. "Yeah and you got a girl!" She slurs too. I glance at the drunk girl who is holding onto my arm and telling me how much she wants me. "Whatevs you have m-minji!" I chuckle and she blushes and waves at me.

We enter the dorm quietly, only thing heard is our giggles. Then the light switches on and it's Haerin. She glances at the clock on her desk, "2am?" She crosses her arms over her chest. I giggle at I don't know what, can't really think straight right now.

"Sorry mother!" I laugh and the girl next to me giggles. Haerin goes to the girl and unclings her from my arm and shives her out the door, telling her to go home. "Hey! We didn't even start yet!" I say slightly sobering up. "You're not gonna have sex with someone in my room." Haerin walks past me, not sparing me a glance. "It's our room!" I say and stumble to my bed.

"I'm trying to sleep so please be quiet." Haerin says as she lays on her bed. "Well you sure we're not asleep when I got here, seems like you were waiting for me." I smirk and she sits up in bed and turns to face me. "I was not waiting for you. I will never wait for you. Tsk. You're not even my type!" She says and lays back down. "Woah someone's defensive." I put my hands up surrendering and Haerin faces me again.

"Shut up." She says. I smirk, perfect opening, "Make me." I say and see her eyes widen. "You wish." She glares and I chuckle. "More like you wish because you're blushing right now." I say and see her blush even more. "Hey it's okay if you want a taste of this. I'm hot I know." I smile confidentally. "More like you would want a taste of this." She rolls her eyes. "Of the teachers pet? No thanks." I shrug and lay down on my bed. I hear her scoff before drowning in my sleep.

"First warning Pham." Haerin says as she sleeps too.

So I might drag it out and it will probably be a few more chapters till something actually happens between them..unless y'all like fast paced because we gay gay 😄

I'll give y'all 2 chapters ig😩

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