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"IN A CLASSROOM?! Damn tall freaky as hell!" Danielle chuckles and minji chuckles as well. "Whatever." I say. "And you let her top, I'm so shocked bro!" Danielle clutches her chest. I reach over and smack Danielle's head. "Babe she hit me!" Danielle pouts at Minji who just comforts her.

"I'm gonna go get lunch!" Minji says and Danielle gets up to go with her. "Wanna come?" She asks me. "I'll wait for Haerin!" I say and she makes a disgusted face at me.

"Hey!" Leeseo comes to me with a pout. "Hey..." I say trying not to make a conversation with her or else Haerin will beat my ass. "I tried calling you but it says your number isn't available...did you give me a fake phone number?" Leeseo continues to pout at me while she sits next to me. "Oh...no it was my number..." I say. "But?" Leeseo asks. "But she has a girlfriend." Haerin comes and sits on the other side of me.

"And she can also do better." Leeseo rolls her eyes at haerin who just scoffs. "Better? With who? You? Please..." Haerin chuckles and grabs my hand, making me sit closer to her instead of leeseo. I smile at her action, I love it when she's jealous.

Haerin and leeseo continue glaring at each other while I'm in the middle waiting for danielle and minji to come to rescue me.

"Hanni, what do you see in her? Shes a bitch." Leeseo says. "No she isn't." I frown at Leeseo's words. "I'm better. I promise." Leeseo says and tries to hole my free hand but I pull it away before she even grazes it. "I like Haerin. A lot." I smile at leeseo and she groans. "Hey Haerin!" Woonhak comes and greets Haerin. "Hey!" Haerin says as she lets go of my hand but I grab hers and squeeze it righter. She glances at our hands and then at me before flashing her cute smile at me.

"Do you want to go watch a movie later?" He asks her. "Oh well-," , "No she won't. Shes spending the night with me!" I interrupt her while looking coldly at the Woonhak guy. "Oh...okay." He chuckles nervously. "But Leeseo would definitely go with you!" I smile at him as I glance at leeseo and his eyes follow to see her. "Oh...want to go to movies later?" He kindly smiles at her and she gasps. "Sure." She smiles at him and they walk away together.

"Did I just accidentally play matchmaker with those two?" I say out loud and Haerin chuckles. "I think so. At least leeseo will be off your ass!" Haerin rolls her eyes. "At least Woonhak will be off your ass!" I roll my eyes and Haerin grabs my chin, making me look at her. "Don't be jealous. I only like you Hanni!" She smiles. "Same to you! I only like you Haerin so don't be jealous!" I smirk and she rolls her eyes while hitting my arm.

"We back!" Danielle smiles as she has plates of food in her hands along with minji, for everyone. "We saw leeseo and Woonhak leave together, what happened?" Minji asks. "Hanni accidentally played matchmaker with them since they wouldn't leave us alone." Haerin says as she takes a spoonful of rice and puts it in her mouth.

"Damn. I missed the drama huh?" Danielle pouts and minji hits her arm. "WHAT?! I wanted to laugh out loud!" She says. "OMG IS THAT FOOD?!" Hyein comes and sits with us finally and she takes our food. "HYEIN!" We all shout.


I walk to my locker after dropping Haerin off to her class. "Hanni! Can we talk?" Leeseo asks me. "Oh? I thought you were with Woonhak?" I ask. "Jealous?" She smirks. "No." I snort and she pouts. "Just give me one chance!" Leeseo says as she steps closer to me, clearly invading my personal space. I step back along with gently pushing her shoulder. "Leeseo..I already said no." I sigh in frustration.

I can literally kill her right now.

"I really do like you a lot hanni." She says as her hand goes up to caress my cheek. "I don't like you leeseo." I say while moving her hand off my cheek.

Leeseo comes closer to me and wraps her hand around my neck, pulling me into her. Our lips crash onto each other's as she devours mine in a not so pleasing manner. I pull back and glare at her, "WHAT THE FUCK LEESEO?!" I yell m, causing some students to stare at us. "You taste good." Leeseo smirks.

"Can't wait to taste more of you!" She says before winking at me and walking away as if she did nothing wrong.

I watch her walk away with disgust painted onto my face, then my eyes meet the only ones I care about. Haerin. Seeing her face filled with disgust and pain, "HAERIN! I DIDNT KISS HER!" I yell as I walk towards. "LOOKED LIKE IT!" She yells back as she walks toward me now, taking my hand and dragging me to an empty hallway, away from the stares of the students.

"What the hell Pham?!" Haerin says as she hits my arms repeatedly. "Haerin!" I say and grab her wrist, pinning them to her side. "I. Did. Not. Kiss. Her. She got close to me and did it without my consent!" I roll my eyes and the jealous and stubborn Haerin. "You promise?!" She says and holds up her pinky. I chuckle at how childish she is but nonetheless wrap my pinky around hers.

"Yes and she said she can't wait to taste me more..." I say and Haerin freezes. "SHE WHAT?!" She yells and I cover her mouth. "Shut up!" I say and release my hand from her mouth. "Shes planning to do something to you Hanni! Be careful!" Haerin says as she softly looks into my eyes. "Haerin, I'm a vampire. I can literally kill her within an instant if I wanted to." I roll my eyes.

"Yes but what if she is too? What if she is...like you but different? What if she is capable of doing things...that God knows what!!" Haerin says making me actually question Leeseo.

"You're right...what if she is a vampire?!" I say.

Y'all think leeseo is some type of monster too?! If so what monster?

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