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"Let her." I say and Danielle moves aside to let Haerin come to me. 

"Hanni!" She shouts as she crouches down to where I am and pulls me into a tight hug. "Are you okay?!" She asks as she examines a few cuts on my face. "Hanni Pham what if you got hurt!?" She says as she pushes my shoulder softly, in a continuous motion. "Do you think I can live without you?! BECAUSE I CANT!" She yells as some tears start to form in her eyes.

"Haerin..." I call her name softly and squeeze her into my embrace. "You could've died!" She sniffles as tears run down her cheeks. "Haerin...I'm a vampire...I'm not that easy to kill." I chuckle softly. "Yeah." Danielle agrees in the back and minji elbows her in the side.

"Still. I know you are a vampire but to me you are just a normal human, living life hanni. I don't care if you can't die that easily, it still scares me!" Haerin says while staring into my eyes with her already swollen ones.

I smile softly at her. Never in my life have I felt someone care so much for me...besides Danielle. I really am in love with Haerin...

"I love you so much Kang Haerin." I kiss her forehead before connecting our lips together.


"Should we leave or?" Hyein whispers to Danielle and minji as I disconnect Haerin and I's lips. "No. Danielle get over here and help me with the body!" I say. "Ugh! Why do I always have to hide it?!" She groans. "Because I'm not good at hiding them! Remember the bar girl?!" I raise my eyebrows and she laughs. "Haha! Girl I am never going to forget that! She was in plain sight you dumbass!" She laughs as we wrap Leeseo's body in a garbage bag.

"Shut the fuck up and go!" I roll my eyes and Danielle leaves with the body, hiding it somewhere in the ground.

"Are you okay now?" I ask my girl as I sit next to her. She finishes her water bottle and places it on the table while locking eyes with me. "No more." Haerin says. "No more what?" I ask. "No more fights! No more supernatural fights! No more risking your life! Got it?" She says while sitting on my lap and staring into my eyes coldly.

"Yes. Got it!" I gulp and her cold eyes soon have warmth in them as she pecks my lips quickly. "Good!" She smiles and places her head on my lap. I stroke my hands through her hair as she relaxes in my hands.

"Hanni Pham..." She calls my name out softly. "Hm?" I hum in response, the quietness in the room soon making me drowsy. "Do you want to get married?" She blurts out, snapping the sleepiness out of me real quick. "You want to get married?" I ask her and her eyes slowly open and blink at me. "Yes...I love much hanni Pham. I don't want anyone to have you...I would risk my life for you, even though you can't die but still!" Haerin says making me softly smile at her.

"Of course I'll marry you Kang Haerin. I love you! You are the only girl who has ever made me feel this way, and I wouldn't want anyone else but you." I smile at her as I continue stroking her hair. Soon we both doze off into the stillness and quietness that fills our ears...

*2 years later*

"Honey?!" I hear my name being called as I finish typing one last document on my computer for work. "Yes?" I ask. Haerin's head pops into my office as she gives me one of her soft smiles that I could never get tired of. "Are you coming down to eat?" She asks me as she stands behind me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and leaning down to kiss the side of my cheeks.

"Yes just let me submit this document real quick." I smile as she trails her wet kisses from my jawline to my cheek. "Stop that Haerin!" I warn her and she chuckles cutely. "What? I'm not doing anything!" She smiles as she continues kissing near my ear.

I let out a soft moan as I jolt up from my seat and face her. "Rin..." I say in my deep voice and she smirks at seeing the rise out of me. "Are you gonna come eat?" She smirks. I step closer to her and inhale her sweet blood scent. "Yes." I smile with my fangs out. "No. We can't do that anymore!" Haerin says as her eye flash red as well, with her fangs showing. "I brought guests! Just for us!" She smirks and I smirk. "Evil!!" I tease her and she laughs, "Please they are more evil than us! We only kill the bad ones remember!" She says as she drags me downstairs.


"How are my favorite people in the whole wide world? Shitty ass world!" Danielle smiles as she hugs Haerin and I. "We are both married!" I say to Danielle and she claps. "That's adorable! I knew you guys were soulmates like minji and I!" She smiles and holds up her hand, revealing a bright, shiny diamond ring on her ring finger.

"Wow! Speaking of minji...where is she?" I ask and Danielle clicks. "She is eating..." She says and Haerin and I instantly click. "Eating what exactly?!" We both ask at the same time. "Some girl who kept hitting on me..." Danielle rolls her eyes at how jealous her girlfriend has become.

Haerin and I bust out in fits of laughter as Danielle stares at us in confusion. "The fuck y'all laughing at?! Acting like Haerin wouldn't do the same! She totally would!" Danielle crosses her arms and leans on a leg. "She would!" I chuckle and Haerin scoffs. "You're mine hanni Pham! Don't you forget that!" She says and I raise my hands up in defense.

"Hey guys!" Minji walks up to use with swollen red lips. "Damn you must've sucked her to death..." Haerin blurts out. "Literally." I say after her. "She deserved it." Minji rolls her eyes and wraps her around Danielles waist. "Looks like we both got possessive, vampire wives!" Danielle glances at me.

"I'm totally okay with that." I smile at haerin and she kisses my cheek.

"Guys! I wanna be a vampire too! It's not fair you all can live together forever and then I die!" Hyein comes out of nowhere and pouts while facing us.

"Should we?" I ask everyone. "I think so. We are all best friends here!" Minji says to me. "I agree." Haerin nods. "Danielle?" I look at her. "Yeah. We can all rule the world together!" Danielle evil smirks. "Shut up!" We all say to Danielle and she pouts.

"What happened?" Hyein frowns. "Alright hyein are you ready?" I ask hyein. "Let's go girls!" I say to my girls as we all walk together to take hyein to our secret place.

"Us vampires will rule this world!" Hyein smirks and all of us chuckle.


The end!

All are vampires and live happily ever after sucking people's blood! How cute! 🥺❤️

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