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"Hey guys!" Minji greets Danielle and I as she walks into my dorm. "You invited her?" I glance at Danielle. "Duh she's mine!" Danielle rolls her eyes as she throws her arm over minjis shoulder.

"Hanni did you get your daily dose of blood?" Minji asks me. I choke on the water I was trying to drink before minji abruptly asked me that question. "MY WHAT?!" I yell. "Well..." Minji was about to speak when Danielle put her index finger over minjis lips. "Babe..." Danielle says sweetly to Minji. "MO JIHYE YOU BETTER TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" I demand from Danielle.

"Listen...she won't say anything I swear!" Danielle pleads. "How does she know!" I ask Danielle. "Well...when I was having one of those bad headaches one time I shouted blood on accident...you know I can't handle those well! And she was confused and I told her I need to drink it to live!" Danielle says. "She didn't run away though hanni! She helped..." Danielle continued. "Helped how?" I ask. "I give her my blood!" Minji smiles. "WHAT-" Another voice is heard from the door.

"Haerin..." Minji says. "You give her your blood?" Haerin repeats what she heard. "Yes...I mean no..I MEAN-", "ENOUGH!" I shout and everyone stops talking. I get up and walk over to Haerin, pushing her out of the dorm. "Hey this is our dorm!" She says. "Shut it princess!" I say as I shut the door in her face.

"Minji...don't tell anyone...ANYONE!" I say and she nods repeatedly. "I won't. I love Danielle!" She smiles sweetly and Danielle has heart eyes gleaming through hers. "Okay whatever love birds and Danielle you know what can happen if you drink too much of her blood right?!" I ask and she nods. "Be careful..." I say to them as they get up and leave. Haerin now enters and throws her stuff in her room while storming her way to me.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" She shouts at me. I get up off the floor and head to the kitchen to make myself a bowl of cereal. "What was what Kang?" I ask. "THAT! What does she mean give her blood? And why did you kick me out when this is MY DORM!" She says as she puts her hands on my shoulders and spins me around.

"You said it was our dorm a few moments ago...and now it's just your dorm?" I ask raising an eyebrow. Her words she was about to throw out come to a halt as she has nothing to say. "It was none of your business." I say while pouring the cereal and then the milk. It's the only right way...

"I don't know what you're hiding from me Pham...but I'm going to find out and get you expelled!" She whispers against my ear. I shutter at her hot breath hitting the back of my ear and neck. "Why do you want to get me expelled?" I chuckle. She blankly stares into my eyes, "Be- because I just d-do!" She stutters. "Mhmm...you're stuttering...which means you're lying so, what is it Haerin?" I ask while taking a step closer to her.

My eyes glance down to her neck as she gulps a chunk of saliva down her throat. "Why do you do this..." She asks all of a sudden. "Do what?" I ask with confusion. "THIS!" She points to her heart. "I'm supposed to hate you!" She says. "Are you drunk?" I ask. She shakes her head no, "Hanni how come when I'm near you my heart feels so light...compared to when I'm away from you it feels heavy? Did something happen that made me change?!" She asks me with curiosity.

Should I tell her about that night?

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