Party 3.

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Rated M💦skip if you are uncomfortable:)

She leans in capturing my lips and I pull back suddenly. "Kang! I can't keep doing this with you! You kiss me one day then slap me the next like- what is it? Do you like me? Do you hate me? I don't want to be some experiment for you because honestly you strike me as the type of girl to experiment to see what she likes.." I say while rubbing my forehead.

Haerin looks down. "What is it Kang?" I ask and make her look me in the eyes. "I-" Is all she could spit out. "Figured." I say and was about to walk out of the room when Haerin grabbed my waist, making me spin and collide into her chest. Her hands caresss my jawline before quickly pulling me into a kiss. The taste of a few hours old alcohol still smeared onto her lips and now mine. My hands grab under her thighs, lifting her up and pinning her against the wall with her legs wrapped around my waist.

Haerin's hands crawl their way into my hair, gripping it tightly to wear I feel needles poking my scalp. I slide my tongue smoothly across her bottom lip, making her whimper at my touch. With one swift movement, I let both of our bodies fall onto the bed, my body on top of hers. She gasps at the collision of my warm body on top of hers, and yes my body is slightly warm...I'm not that cold blooded.

I feel haerin's hand slide it's way down, unbuttoning my shorts and then sliding them down. "In a hurry are we?" I smirk and she bites my lower lip gently but hard enough to hurt. I grab her hands and interlock them, pinning them above her head. I kiss her jawline and then her neck, sucking on a sweet spot... wanting to taste that sweet spot...wait.

Her intoxicating scent that just fills up my nasal cavity is so addicting.

"Lower..." She pants and pushes my head lower. My kisses trailing down her body. I slowly unbutton her shorts, in the most painful way possible. "Ugh!" She grunts and moves my hands away, unbuttoning them herself. She slides her shorts down, only left in her underwear. I scan her body with my eyes, she does have an amazing body. "Quit staring." She demands and wraps a hand around my neck pulling me into a very heated, aggressive kiss.

Getting to caught up in our makeout session, I heard a moan. Haerin is moaning in my mouth. I smirk at the power I had over her and try to grab haerin's arms to pin them above her head...but I only found one.

She was pleasuring herself. I am beyond aroused now knowing what she is doing. "Mhm~" She whimpers against my ear as I lick her neck, adding to the pleasure she is already giving herself. My right hand gently gropes her right breast, pinching and rubbing all the right places. " god...fuck~" She moans, her climax building up. With that, I grab her hands forcing both above her head.

"UGH!!" She whines but it's also mixed with a groan. "Edging." I smirk and she groans again. "You do realize women can cum multiple times!" She practically yells at me. "Yeah I know." I smile innocently.

I kiss down her chest then to her stomach, stopping above her center. I grip both of her thighs, making them wider for me. I plant gentle kisses on her inner thighs making her squirm for more contact. "Just touch me!" She whines. "Not yet." I smirk beneath her. I trail one single finger through her center, slowly going up and down. Her back slightly arches above the bed.

My pace quickens just by a little bit as I rub her in an up and down motion. "Fuck~" She whispers out while grabbing a hold of my left hand, intertwining our fingers together. With one swift movement of my tongue on her center, her moans filled the room within an instant. Licking and sucking all her juices that just never stop coming out of her. "OMG hanni-" Haerin moans above me with her right hand tangling itself within the locks of my hair.

I insert one finger without a warning. "FuCK!" She whimpers above me with her back slightly more ached than before. I pump in and out of her slower while still licking her nub that provides so much nerves that leads to pleasure for her. "Faster..." She moans and I obey. Pumping in and out of her at a fastened pace than before.

I hold onto her thighs still as I can as she began to squirm under the pleasure I was providing for her. "I'!" She climaxes and I feel warm liquid spread its way into my fingers and into my mouth. With one quick lick, I clean her up, leaving no juices behind.

"Haerin?" I gently say her name. "I like you Hanni Pham...a lot." She smiles at me as her chest rises up and down, still coming down from her high.

"I like you too Kang Haerin." I smile and gently peck her nose.

She sits up slowly, the feeling of being sore is starting to take over her. "Can we go back to our dorms now?" She asks and I nod. "Need me to carry you? I mean you obviously can't walk...that's my fault.." I smirk and she hits my shoulder.


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