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"Honestly I don't know what you see in Danielle..." I say to Minji as I side eye Danielle who is stuffing her face with food. "I win!" Hyein says as she finished her food before Danielle. "Oh shit- I think I'm gonna throw up-" Danielle holds her stomach. "IF you throw up, face the other way please!" I say to Danielle. "Bitch. I'll throw up on you!" She smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Hanni where is your wife at?" Danielle smirks at me and I blush. "Uhm. Actually I don't know?" I raise an eyebrow as I look around the lunchroom. "Hey hanni!" Leeseo says as she comes and sits next to me, the spot I was saving for Haerin. "Oh hey leeseo. What are you doing here?" I chuckle nervously at how close she was sitting next to me. "Nothing. Just wanted to have lunch with my favorite pretty girl!" She smiles and pinches my cheeks.

I glance at my friends and see them side eyeing leeseo. "Oh there is Haerin! Shes talking to Woonhak." Minji smiles. "Woonhak? Who the fuck is that?!" I turn my head in the direction of Haerin. I see her smiling while talking to a boy around the same height as her, just as smiley too. He puts a strand of haerin's loose hair behind her ear and she laughs along with him.

"Maybe they are just friends Hanni..." , "I know I know, I'm trying to stay positive but like...why is he so touchy-" I say to Danielle. She just shrugs as we continue to eye the two.

I feel a hand caress mine as they interlock our fingers. I glance at the owner of the hand and see Leeseo showing soft eyes at me a long with the most kind smile on her face. "Do you want some coffee?" She asks me as she lifts her drink up to my mouth. "Sure." I say and take a sip from her straw and she takes a sip after I did. "Indirect kiss, be ashamed Hanni!" , "Hyein Danielle wants to race you to a drink off!" I say and hyein smiles. "OUUU I'ma win this too!" She smirks. "Wait WHAT-" Danielle says but hyein hands her a drink and they both get ready to race.

"Can I have your number?" Leeseo asks me. "I just want to be friends! I really like you...as- as a friend though!" Leeseo blushes but I ignore it. "Sure." I say as I glance as Haerin who seems to be so invested in that boy.

"Thanks! I hope we can become best friends! Just know Hanni...I'm always here for you!" Leeseo smiles at me as the bell rang signaling lunch was over.

We all got up and started walking to our locker to get our books. "See you!" Leeseo tip toed to place a peck on my cheek. "Oh-" I mumble out and she smiles before walking away. "Girl...she likes you." Danielle says. "I know." I shrug. "Are you trying to make Kang jealous?" She smirks. "WHAT!? No of course not. She just wants to be my friend... I don't mind that." I say and Danielle narrows her eyes at me, trying to read me.

"Anyways I'ma go walk Minji to class! See you at the front of the school!?" Danielle asks and I nod.

After fishing out my books I see Haerin walking with that same boy. I know I should be dominant but it still hurts my feelings that she isn't coming to me...

"See you later babe!" Woonhak says to Haerin as I walk past them trying not to make eye contact with them. "Babe?" I accidentally say out loud and turn to face them. "Yeah she's a babe!" He smiles kindly at me. "It's just a nickname baby!" Haerin caresses my arm. "Well...not really." Woonhak smiles nervously.

"Let me tell you something, she is taken okay? So go ahead and leave and find other losers to be friends with!" I say to him and he looks scared as he runs away. "HANNI! What the hell?!" Haerin hits my shoulder. "What the hell? Yeah WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! You didn't even sit with us at lunch because you were too busy talking to that fucker! And did you not realize how touchy he was with you! Did you not think to realize maybe I wanted my girlfriend to sit with me at lunch? Like cmon Haerin!" I raise my voice and her eyes soften.

"I'm sorry I got caught up in conversations with him." She tries to caress my cheek. "No." I step back. "The only person who comforted me while you were too busy not paying attention to me...was Leeseo!" I say and walk away but she grabs my wrist. "LEESEO!?" She asks. "Yes. She wants to be my friend and look out for me. So I gave her my number!" I roll my eyes and Haerin pulls me toward an empty classroom.

"Delete it." She crosses her arms. "Make me." I roll my eyes and hide my phone somewhere in my bag. She steps closer to me and stares deeply into my eyes. "Don't think I won't fuck you in this classroom. Now delete it!" Haerin says through gritted teeth. I blush, "You? Fuck me? Stop playing with me-" I chuckle but was cut off as she smashed her lips onto mine.

Hanni don't you dare go bottom for this bottom-

Haerin's hands grip my waist pulling me closer to her. My hands grab her jaw, gently caressing it as we have a heated kiss.

I didn't realize I was being tugged to a desk until the back of my knees collided with the wooden desk, making me sit on it. Her tongue and mine were in a very heated tug of war as we fought for dominance...I lost. She just makes me so weak.

Haerin's soft hands gently pull my skirt slightly above my thigh. She runs her fingers over my thighs, teasing me with her soft touch. Her finger glide their way closer and closer to my throbbing center. "Mhm~" I moan into her mouth as she gently bites my bottom lip, pulling it down with her teeth and letting it flick back to its original place.

I feel her hands move my underwear to the side as she inserts a one single digit without a warning. We both gasps at the contact. She thrust another finger in and out, a fast but steady pace. "Fuck haerin~" I moan as she places wet kisses all over my neck. I feel her smirk against my neck and I fight the urge to not flip us around this instant.

"Will you delete it?" She whispers against my ear. "No.." I pant out as she thrusts faster in me. I hear her groan against my neck as she adds another finger in me. "FUCK~" I scream out and she covers my mouth with her free hand. "Shut the fuck up!" She says as she nibbles against my left ear.

I moan against her palm as I feel my climax building up very quickly with her pumps. "Someone's getting close..." She smirks as she stares deeply into my lustful eyes. Her pumps start getting slower and slower. I remove her hand with mine and connect our lips together. "Don't stop!" I whine against her mouth. "Will you delete it after then?" She asks. "Yes, yes I will!" I say while staring back into her eyes. "Good girl!" She smiles sweetly as if she isn't fucking the shit out of me right now.

Haerin speeds up her pace again and I squint my eyes in the overwhelming pleasure building up within my core. "I'm almost there!" I moan on her ear and hear her let out a quiet moan. With a few more thrusts in and out, my liquid spreads all over her fingers.

She slows down, letting me ride it out. Then she pulls out slowly, making me moan from my sensitivity.

She looks at me in the eyes one last time before bringing her fingers to her mouth and licking them clean. "Ugh~" I sigh but it comes out as a moan and she smirks before pecking my cheek.

"Now delete it." She says coldly. "Alright GEEZ!" I say and pull out my phone.

Haerin gets what she wants 💪🏻

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