Party 2.

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My eyes follow every movement of haerin's walk as she struts her way to the middle of the living room, passing every hot human body that's shows these horrific dance moves that makes me want to kill myself right here.

"Watching your girlfriend eh?" Danielle comes up to me. I didn't spare a glance at her, as I continue following haerin's orders. Don't know why I'm following them though...

"She wants me to." I say and Danielle gasps. "WHAT!? Wait hold up- why aren't you dancing with her!?" Danielle hits my arm. "Because she wants me to watch her without leaving eye contact with her and to stay still." I say. I don't even have to look at Danielle to know she's smirking, that smirking bitch. "Oh...I see...she's trying to see how long you can last without having to touch her! She's trying to turn you on!" Danielle smirks. "No shit Sherlock! I don't have an IQ of 5 like you!" I roll my eyes.

"Bitch don't be so rude!" Danielle fake cries as she wipes her 'tears'. "You think you can last?" Danielle asks me. I glance at her but back at haerin quickly before she catches me, "Tsk. I can last all right!" I say. "Mhm...anyways I'ma go help minji out of the bathroom." Danielle says. "Wait why does she need help out of the bathroom?" I ask. "Well you see when two women have se-", "OKAY OKAY I GET IT!" I yell before she tells me the details. "I'll tell you later then!" She smiles and then walks away to find minji.

Suddenly Grind on me starts playing...

"This song out of all songs really!" I curse to myself as my eyes are forced to be glued onto Haerin's body. She smirks as she comes back from the djs booth, that sneaky bitch.

She finds a guy...a guy? She grabs his hands and puts them on her hips. Her hands are right over his, interlocked as she sways her hips side to side with his body slowly inching forward to her, nearly becoming one. But she isn't looking at him, haerin's eyes are fixated on me. Her mouth slightly parted, lips swollen from the alcohol she drank earlier, makeup looking like it was worn for a few hours and despite it, she still looked beautiful...wait-

She turns around to where her backside is collided with his front. Then she slowly bends down touching her toes then slowly coming back up with the flip of her hair. "Shit!" I say to myself as I fidget in my seat, trying to find a comfortable spot. She smirks and slides her hands up and down his muscular body, gripping his shirt and pants in a seductive-like manner.

The next thing she does is almost enough to throw me over the edge...almost...maybe.

Haerin walks her way over to me and sits on my lap. Her hands grip mine and place them onto her hips, making me grip them tightly. Then Haerin's hands wrap around my shoulders and her eyes stare into my soul not once leaving it for a split second. With the beat of the music, her hips grind into my lap with the rhythm. "Fuck..." I curse under my breath but she heard it. Her hand grips my chin, forcing me to look into her eyes as I was distracted with her hips. "Eyes up." She whispers against my ear then nibbles on my earlobe before retreating.

Haerin grabs my hands, trailing both over her body. Then I clicked, "If you're the one forcing me to touch you...does that mean I win?" I smirk and she stays still. "Did you forget hm?" I ask lifting up her chin to look at me. "So I win?" I ask once more to the silent Haerin. Then she leans in, capturing my lips with her lustful one.

Our lips move together in one smooth motion and my hands make their way to her hips again, pulling her closer into me. God she smells so good, she tastes so good too. "Move it upstairs you two!" Danielle yells at us as she walks by with minji by her side, stumbling with legs shaking. I roll my eyes and pull away from the kiss while knowing that annoying ass voice so well, "Danielle says you! Look she can't even fucking walk!" I yell back and she chuckles with a blushing minji by her side.

"Y'all get a room!" Danielle turns her head around but then stops staring at something behind me. I frown then look around the party...

Everyone is filming us...

I glance back at haerin and see looking at the cameras, the panicked feeling starting to build up in her chest. "Haerin. Look at me!" I say and she just continues glancing from camera to camera and her ears perk everytime she hears whistles blowing.

Haerin then slaps my cheek. "HOW DARE YOU FUCKING KISS ME!" She yells. "OW! I- WHAT?" Danielle and I both shout. "I didn't kiss you, you kissed m-" Haerin kicks my legs, making me fall to the ground, kneeling before her. She bends over and lifts my chin up aggressively to look at her dark orbs, still filled with lust in them, she can't hide her true feelings.

"Stay away from me Pham!" She says and threatens to break people's phones, then they stop recording.

I grab haerin's wrist aggressively and pull her into an empty bedroom. I slap her and she gasps in shock. "KANG WHAT THE FUCKING HELL?!" I yell at her. Then I slap her again, "That's what you get! How dare you fucking play the victim making me look like some fucking kind of rapist!?" I yell at her. She stays silent, just watching my every move, every word I speak..

I shove her up against the door, invading her personal space that she oh so cares about so much. "Why?" I ask in a more kinder voice. "I have an image." She says finally. "Screw the fucking image Haerin! It won't fucking matter after your done with college! No one will remember Kang Haerin as the pride and joy of this hell hole!" I say and she looks down before looking back up at me. "You shouldn't have to embarrass someone else just to save yourself, especially knowing damn well you came to me!" I point my finger into her chest.

"I didn't kiss you did I?" I ask. "You kissed me right Kang?" I smirk and lean closer to her. I hear her breath hitch as her eyes are fixated into a lustful gaze on my lips. I lick them agonizingly slow just to see her reaction. She shivers and gasps. "Answer me Kang." I say and she looks back up into my eyes before leaning into capture my lips again.

Just like I thought, she's in denial...

Hey y'all sorry for not updating been busy with work and school is coming to an end 😭

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