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"You want to what now!!?" I ask Danielle as she starts to speak fast. "I want to throw a party!" She begs. "Danielle where would we even through the party?!" I ask. "Your dorm." She smirks. "I- you know damn well pillow princess would not like that! We would be gone literally GONE!" I say.

"Make her let you have one." Danielle says. "Why can't we do it at your dorm?" I ask Danielle. "Minji would not like it!" Danielle gasps. "OMG as if MY SITUATION IS ANY BETTER!?" I hit her forehead. "Why not kiss minji and make her let you, I'm sure it'll work since the girl is clearly whipped for you." I say and Danielle blushes.

"Why not kiss Haerin and make her let you, I'm sure it'll work since the girl is clearly whipped for you." Danielle mocks me. "It actually won't work since everytime she sees me she wants to beat me." I say and caress my poor cheek that has been slapped so many times.

"Oh my god! Just try!" Danielle says and pushes me out of her dorm to go back to my own. I unlock the door and see Haerin sitting in the couch watching TV. She turns in my direction and rolls her eyes once she sees me. "Haerin I'm going to have a party here." I say and she stiffens. "Excuse me?" She says and turns her head slowly towards me.

"I'm going to have a party here, tonight." I demand and she stands up, walking over to me. "Are you crazy? Did you do drugs? Are you high?" Haerin rambles to me. "No." I reply nonchalantly. "What the actual fuck? I was here first, this is my dorm, and you will not have a party here!" She raises her voice at me.

"Well its our dorm and I don't know where else to have a party at." I shrug my shoulders. "You don't need a party!" She yells. "Danielle and I want a party!" I say. "Oh so it's because of that bitch you were fucking!" Haerin scoffs. "We weren't fucking! We haven't in years-" I say without realizing it. "YEARS? OH SO YOU HAVE ALREADY!?" She shouts. "Why are you yelling?! Why does it effect you so much?" I ask.

She stiffens and scoffs again, "It doesn't effect me, I just get annoyed!" I chuckle, "You realize that's you getting effected by it?" She steps closer to me, her eyes glance at my lips then look back into my brown orbs. The scent radiating off of her body invades my sense of smell, making me almost melt. Wait melt?

Her cat-like eyes staring directly into mine, doesn't matter if they are filled with anger or are just genuinely filled with the feeling of sincerity, all I know is..those are the most beautiful pair of eyes I have ever seen.

"Are you done?" I ask Haerin as she continues eyeing me up and down. She looks back at me and smirks, "Are you done? I saw you checking me out." She says. I smirk, "I was checking you out and I'm not afraid to admit it unlike you." She chuckles dryly, "I'm not afraid to admit it." She crosses her arms. "Why are you lying to me? You still haven't even talked to me about yesterday at lunch?" I raise an eyebrow along with a smirk pasted onto my face.

I step closer making Haerin hit the arm of the couch with her butt. "Hm? Why aren't you speaking?" I lean forward and she falls backwards into the couch, her arms wrapping around my neck making both of us fall together.

Haerin's breathing quickens realizing I am on top of her again. I smirk at my power. "What's wrong Haerin? Tell me, or show me." I say. Haerin scoffs and glances at the clock quickly before facing me again and pulling me into a kiss.

The kiss was aggressive and rough almost as if she was trying to make me think she didn't like me when in reality I knew that she indeed did like me. "OW!" I pull away from the kiss caressing my bottom lip that was bleeding. "YOU BIT ME!" I say and she chuckles. "That's what you get now get off of me!" She says and pushes me off of her. She walks away but not before coming back with an ice pack that she hands to me.

"And no! You're still not having any parties here!" She says and disappears for the final time.

"Danielle! Open this damn door!" I pound on her door. She opens it finally and minji lays on her bed covering herself with the sheets. "Jeez!" I say and cover my eyes and the naked Danielle. "Relax! It's not like you haven't seen it before!" She smirks and then I uncover my eyes. "You're right! Anyways. Haerin said no." I say and Danielle gasps. "Did you kiss her?" I nod, "But then she bit my fucking lip and said naur!" Danielle chuckles dryly, "Damn I really thought that would work!" She puts her hands on her hips.

"What's going on?" Minji gets up, still with the bedsheets wrapped around her naked body. "We want to throw a party but Hanni's girlfriend who isn't her girlfriend but clearly wants to be her girlfriend, said naur!" Danielle sighs and I hit her. "Why do you want to throw a party and not just go to one?" Minji says and Danielle clicks. "You're so right! Hanni how come we never thought of this?!" She pushes me lightly. "Well I did but you insisted on having one like the dumb bitch you are." I shrug my shoulders.

"I know a party that's going on later tonight!" Minji smiles. "Who's the host?" I ask her. "Her name is Rosé!" Minji says. "She's a senior college student, older than all of us by some years. She's really cool and she's so bad! Like bad bad!" Minji says and I glance at Danielle to see her smirking at me.

"Danielle don't even." I say through gritted teeth and she just giggles. "What do you have a thing for older women?" Minji raises an eyebrow at me. "What no I never said that!" I defend myself. "Trust me hanni. She will like you...she likes them young and hot and you are young and hot ." Minji says.

"HEY! What about me? I'm the hottest!" Danielle shouts at Minji.

You think it'll be spicy at the party later ?👀

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