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"When are you guys gonna get married?" Danielle says with an arm wrapped around minjis shoulder. "Danielle can you please...PLEASE shut the fuck up." I smile. "Never. I mean you guys already fucked, already confessed, like what else is there left to do?" Danielle rambles on and minji has to put a hand over Danielle's mouth.

I glance at haerin who's hand is intertwined with mine as we walk to our classes. Danielle and minji are next to the lockers talking or more like making out before going to their designated classes. "Hanni..." Haerin says and cups my cheek. "Yes?" I smile sweetly at her. "I love you." She smiles and pecks my lips. I kiss her fully back, no peck. Our lips move in sync together, which causes butterflies to erupt in my stomach. "Are y'all done?" Danielle says. I pull away from the kiss and Haerin pouts. "We could say the same for y'all...jeez y'all were basically fucking in the hallway!" I roll my eyes. "Whatever let's go to class!" Danielle rolls her eyes.


"Alright class! Today we have a new student!" The teacher says and everyone's ears perk up at the word 'new student'. I glance at my friends and Haerin and they look curious, like me.

"Class will you please welcome, Lee Hyun-Seo!" The teacher claps and a student walks in. Short girl, with long dark brown hair. "Hello but please just call me leeseo!" She smiles and you can hear some of the students breath hitch in their throat from her beauty.

"Ms. Lee go ahead and sit anywhere!" The teacher smiles and leeseo starts glancing at where to sit. We both make eye contact and I look away and find myself looking at haerin who seems to be...glaring at the girl. "Why is she glaring at her?", "Um maybe because she is eyeing you like you're her prey and also she is sitting next to you now!" Danielle points with her eyes next to me.

"Hi. What's your name?" She asks me with a smile on her face. "My name is Hanni Pham." I smile back. "Pretty name." She smirks at me and scoots her chair closer to me. I awkwardly smile at her and glance back to my friends and girlfriend. Haerin seems to not be paying attention to me at all. I frown and pay attention to the lecture.


"Can I have your number?" Leeseo asks as I get up putting my books in my bag and ready to head out the door. "Oh...uh-" I look at Danielle and her and minji run out the classroom. Bitches. "What do you need her number for?" Haerin comes up next to me and wraps an arm of hers around my waist. "Oh...just to chat. She seems nice and I wouldn't mind being her friend." Leeseo says while rubbing the back of her neck in a nervous manner.

"She has enough friends actually...and a girlfriend so." Haerin says and pulls me away from leeseo. I mouth an apology towards her and walk with Haerin. Haerin pulls me into a nearby restroom and locks the door. "What the hell was that!" Haerin says. "What?" I ask. "You were gonna give her your number huh!?" Haerin says while taking a step closer to me. I would be turned on because of how close we are but she looks furious so now isn't a good time. "I wasn't Haerin!" I say and she scoffs. "I don't believe you!" She crosses her arms.

"You were stuttering MEANING you thought about it!" She points a finger in my chest. "Haerin I only like you! No one else!" I say and hold her hands in mine. "Like? I thought you loved me!?" She pulls her hands away. Okay I know I said I like them crazy...BUT...

"Haerin! I do love you! With all my heart!" I say to her almost pleading. "Prove it." She says. I walk closer to her and kiss her lips. The soft texture of her lips moving against my own in such a slow manner but soon in a rough manner. I gently push her against the wall and hold her arms above her head as I trail my kisses from her lips to her jawline. Haerin let's out these soft sounding noises as I suck on a sweet spot on her neck.

Just imagine how her blood will taste! 

I stop kissing her neck and look at her. What was that?

"What?" Haerin asks dumbfounded. "Nothing." I shake off whatever that was and continue kissing her neck. Cmon...it's not like you haven't thought about getting just a little taste of her...just imagine...your teeth slowly sinking into her pulse point on her neck, the blood flowing slowly out of the fresh wound and into your mouth, giving you the sweet taste of her blood...you know it's sweet just by the smell of it...

"OW! Hanni!" Haerin pushes me back and looks at her neck. There is a small bite mark on her neck and a little bit of blood is coming out. "You bit me too hard!" Haerin pouts. "I'm sorry Haerin!" I hold her hands but my eyes focus on the little river of blood flowing out. I want to taste her...

"Hanni?" Haerin snaps her fingers in my face but they were louder than expected. "OW!" I cover my ears with my hands and she starts looking worried. "Hanni what's wrong?!" Haerin's voice echoes loudly in my ears. "Haerin! Run!" I say and Haerin looks confused. "No I am not gonna leave you here!" She says and tries to pull me up but I yank my arms away.

"GET DANIELLE!" I yell and Haerin frowns but obeys. "STAY! I'll be right back!" Haerin yells and goes to the door but it doesn't open. "It won't open!" She turns around and I'm right in front of her. "Hanni? Are you okay?" She asks while slowly stepping back away from me.

"Let me have a taste." I smirk and walk closer towards her.

Hanni gone mad..

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