First class

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"Danielle come on we will be late!" I roll my eyes as I see her gazing at all the girls in the hallways. "Hanni I mean cmon look bro- they are all so fine!" She drools. "What about minji? If you don't want her anymore I'll have her she's pretty hot." I smirk and see Danielle glaring at me from my peripheral vision.

"I'm kidding! I know she's yours!" I smirk and Danielle punches my shoulder. "Bitch I'll fucking fight you right here, right now!" I say and Danielle bursts out laughing along with me.

"Alright class we will start our assignment, you guys are late." The teacher turns to us with a straight face. "Yes sorry sir we are new here and had trouble finding our class." I smile apologetically. "She's lying, I saw her outside making out with that girl next to her!" A girl shouts from the classroom.

I turn in the direction of the voice and of course it's Haerin. "I wasn't making out with her! You literally are jumping to conclusions." I roll my eyes and she scoffs. "Smeared lip gloss, messy hair, messy clothes, out of breath! C'mon it's common sense y'all were fucking!" She yells again this time standing up from her chair. "Why do you care so much Miss student body president who is apparently perfect at everything?!" I shout at her.

I see the fire in her eyes burn as she starts charging towards me and Danielle is just smirking.

"Miss Kang! Sit down!" The teacher says and I smirk at her as she stops right in front of me. She huffs a puff of air in my face before turning around to obey the teachers orders. "You, what's your name?" The teacher asks me. "Hanni Pham." I say. "And yours?" He asks Danielle. "Danielle marsh." Minji shouts from the class and Danielle gazes at the student who answered her name for her.

"Okay...." The teacher raises an eyebrow and minji and Danielle winks at Minji who begins to blush.

"You guys may choose any seat you like." The teacher says and Danielle and I sit next to teacher, minji is sitting in front of us. Haerin is behind us.

"Class we will take a short quiz over what you know about this subject, dont worry it isn't for a grade but still try to see what you do and don't know!" The teacher smiles and the class groans besides Haerin who is smiling.


"A 32?! What the hell? I'm not stupid right hanni!" Danielle asks me and holds up her paper revealing her grade. "Well it shows a 32, which means you are indeed stupid." I smile and she pushes me off my chair. "Ow! Jeez don't be so damn sensitive bitch!" I get up and glare at her. I hear giggling coming from behind us.

"That was really funny, do it again, let me record it this time!" Haerin smirks. This girl is really pissing me off.

"Why not I do it to you hm?" I ask while walking towards her and she straightens up her posture to face me. "Do it and see what happens." She leans closer to my face, her breath hitting my mouth in a constant speed.


I glance up at the clock, class is over. Haerin smirks and walks past me, purposely pushing my shoulder with her shoulder.

"Bro you have to do something to her!" Danielle rolls her eyes. "Like what Dani?" I ask. "Fuck her! She's a total bottom for you!" Danielle smirks and I roll my eyes. "Let's go to lunch before I kill you right here!"


"Hey Danielle!" Minji comes up to our table and sits with us. "Hey minji, come!" Danielle oats the seat next to her and I roll my eyes, and so bring the third wheel begins in...3..2..1. now.

"Let me cut it for you!" Danielle says and cuts a piece of minjis meat into smaller ones that are easier to chew. I feel a pair of eyes on me. I glance at the direction and see that tall model girl looking at me. What was her name again? "Hyein?" I accidentally say out loud. "Who's that?" Danielle snaps her neck at me. "Some girl I saw earlier when I was talking to Haerin." I say and Danielle slams her fork down. "You were talking to Haerin and didn't tell me?! What did y'all talk about?! DID YALL KISS? Is that why I sense so much SEXUAL TENSION?!" Danielle shouts out questions and I cover her mouth. "Shut the fuck up big mouth! And no we did none of that but she did think me and you fucked." I say.

"Well we did before...multiple times." Danielle says and I look at Minji to see her looking down. "Minji. Danielle and I are just friends, I don't see her as anything more and she doesn't see me as anything more, in fact, she's crazy about you, literally she won't shut her fucking mouth about you. She's always talking about you and it's annoying but cute to show that she actually likes you." I say still covering Danielle's mouth, luckily she bit my palm at the last second...still hurt though.

Minji blushes. "Really?" She asks shyly. "Yes." Danielle says and holds minjis hand. Well if anything my name should be cupid..Playing matchmaker over here.

"Excuse me?" A girl comes up to us. "You're that girl Haerin pinned up against the wall! What's your name?" Hyein asks me. "BAHAHAHAHAHA OH HELL NAURRR YOU DID NOT LET THAT PILLOW PRINCESS PIN YOU UP AGAINST THE WALL!!" Danielle burst out laughing and I sigh in frustration. "Yes she pushed me actually. And it's Hanni Pham." I roll my eyes and hyein smiles. "I just wanted to say you're really pretty and Haerin thinks so too whether she admits it or not I can tell, she's always looking at you." Hyein smiles and then bows before leaving us confused.

"I fucking told you!" Danielle hits my shoulder. "Miss Kang Haerin likes you and oh...speak of the motherfucking devil look who's walking out way!" Danielle smirks and I glance in the direction she is looking at.

A angry looking Student body president stands right in front of me, looking at me with furious eyes. "We need to talk. NOW!" She yells at me and I get up to go follow her.

"What a bitch! Why you letting her walk all over you!" Danielle laughs and I glare at her.

You think they will just talk?🤔

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