First Blood

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I wake up with a throbbing head and I'm sweating furiously and look even paler than I do. "Are you okay?" Haerin asks me as she comes from the kitchen, drinking water. I look at the bottle of water and see traces of water that missed her mouth, run down her neck. Her neck...

I lick my lips and swallow hard, stay calm. "Quit staring at me with those eyes." She scrunches her face up in disgust. "What eyes?" I ask. I had to use that TikTok thingy 😭

I look away trying to control my hormones. I need to check on Danielle, she can't hold back as much as I can.

I get up quickly, stumbling from the dizziness in my head. "Hangover. I told you not to go out." She rolls her eyes. "Shut up!" I say while holding my temples. Everything is so loud! I can hear all the doors slamming from people rushing to be the first in class. "Ahhh!!" I cover my ears and Haerin rushes over to me. "What's wrong?" She says but it sounds like she yelled it. I cover her mouth with my hands, "don't speak!" I say while squinting my eyes at all the noise.

I rush out the door, leaving it open and go to Danielle's dorm. Banging on the door, which I regretted almost instantly because it caused my ears to ring. I hear a scream on the other side of the door. "Danielle! Open the door!" I yell and finally minji opens the door. I walk past her and see Danielle on the floor covering her ears as well. She looks at me and nods, we have to feed.


"Hanni it hurts!" Danielle says in pain as she grabs her head. "I know come we have to find someone." I say and glance around at a group of girls in school. I feel a pair of eyes on me. Then a girl walks up to us, "You guys must be new." She says and eyes is up and down as we try our best to act normal. I see Danielle smile but her fangs are out so I hit her in the side and she closes her mouth.

"My name is Haewon." She smiles kindly at us. I glance at Danielle and see her smirk. "Wanna come with us to somewhere...private?" I say seductively in her ear and I hear her breath hitch. "Both of you? Of course." She smirks and then follows us to a place behind the school that danielle and I had found last night.

Haewon looks at the place that she didn't even know about. "What are you planning? Whatever it is I can take it." She says seductively as she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. Danielle comes up behind her and starts kissing her neck as she still kisses me. She breaks away from the kiss, moaning as Danielle and I kiss her neck. I look at Danielle and we make eye contact then...we sink our teeth into her.

She moans but then squeals in pain and Danielle cover Haewons mouth as we make her our personal drink.

Soon there was no sound coming from haewon as she falls on the ground, drained and unalive. "I really hate always having to kill someone every 3 days!" I shake my head. "We have to it's part of our survival hanni!" Danielle tries to lighten the mood and I sigh. Danielle's and I's ears perk up, someone's coming.

"Shit what the fuck do we do?" Danielle starts panicking. "Uh...hide the body?" I say and Danielle looks at me with a "no shit" face.

"Go outside and distract them hanni!" Danielle says as she picks up the body and tries to find some place to hide it. I walk out the door and come face to face with the one and only Haerin.

"HAERINNN. Hi!" I smile and she looks at me like I'm a creature. "What are you doing here?" She asks. "You know just looking around since no one wanted to show me my classes." I roll my eyes and she chuckles dryly. "How old are you?" She asks. "21." I say. "Exactly. You're an adult and you can find your own way around this school." She says and tries to walk in but I block the door.

"Password?" I smirk. "Are you serious?! Move or else I'll hit you." She says with gritted teeth. "Listen kitty soft paws...that won't even hurt..not one bit." I smirk cockily. "HANNI I'M DONE HIDING THE BOD-" Danielle was about to make us get caught but I walk closer to Haerin and cover her ears quickly. She yanks my hands off and slaps me. "Don't fucking touch me!" She says. "Why did you even cover my ears? Something you don't want me to hear? Are you fucking someone in that room?" She spits out questions and I just stare at her, she's pretty.....pretty annoying.

"Get out of my way Hanni Pham!" Haerin grunts. "No. Go somewhere else this room is already occupied!" I roll my eyes. Haerin pushes me against the door, hard. She is kind of strong...

"Haerin! There you are! Come the other students are waiting for you in the meeting!" A tall, model like girl walks to us. "Hyein tell them I'll be there in 5 minutes, I need to talk to this girl." Haerin says not sparing a glance to Hyein. "Okay!" She smiles and walks back, cute.

"Hanni, you know I have the power to get you expelled and kicked out of this school?" She asks with a fake smile on her face. "Yes I do, but do you know that I have the power to fucking ki-" The door opens, revealing Danielle with smeared lip gloss from moments before the killing. "You two?" Haerin gazes at us, messy hair, messy lip gloss, messy shirt, it looks like we fucked.

Haerin scoffs and glances at me before leaving, "If I see y'all in this room again, I will have you removed from this school." She says and turns away, leaving. Her hips swaying as she walks and I glance at Danielle Because she was telling me something. "Quit looking you pervert, I'm surprised you haven't fucked her yet, she's total bottom!" Danielle's mind says. I roll my eyes, "She is hot I'll admit that, but she's a total bitch." I say.

"I bet she becomes even more of a bitch in be- OW!" Danielle yells as she holds her arm I just punched. "You're such a pervert!" I sigh and began walking to my first class.

Let's hope it goes well....

Just to clear things up, Danielle and HANNI can communicate with their mind so the italicized is them speaking through their mind😭

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