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"Let me guess....another party?" Haerin appears from behind me as I am tying my shoes. "Duh! Wanna go Mrs. Perfect?" I ask sarcastically and she throws a pillow at me. "You know you are abusive right?" I say. "Yeah I do." She crosses her arms. "Okay good just making sure!" I smile and get up checking my outfit for the last time.

The black strapless crop top with short, shorts that are denim. Along with fishnet tights underneath them, and my black combat boots. "Should I wear a jacket?" I ask Haerin who is just staring at me. I walk closer to her, "Kang?" I smirk and she looks back up at me. "Yes." She says and walks away quickly.

"Why is it because I'm distracting?" I shout back at her only to get no response. "I guess so." I chuckle to myself.

"Hanni open the door!" Danielle shouts from outside our dorm door. "Ha- Haerin?" Danielle questions Haerin realizing it wasn't me. "Woah! Don't you look hot Mrs. Teachers pet!" Danielle gasps at haerin. I turn and glance at the two well mostly Haerin. She had on a short black skirt that goes just a little bit above her thighs, along with fishnet tights underneath her skirt with white boots. Her top was coated with the color of white, making her look almost angelic despite the so so rebel outfit she just put on. Her hair was tied into a high ponytail with two strands in the front hanging out giving her a face frame.

"Let's go." She says without glancing at either one of us. "Shit. She's going?" Danielle asks me as if I know. "Bitch I didn't even know." I say as we walk out the door following her like we are her little minions.


"Holy-shit!" Danielle and I say in unison as we glance at the mansion like house in front of us. "You sure this is the right address minji?" I ask her. "Yep she's rich, forgot to mention that." She smiles and pulls Danielle's hand so now it's just Haerin and I behind them.

I glance at haerin and see her fidget with her hands. "Want to hold my hand?" I ask nicely. She looks up at me and glares, "I would never." She says with her fidgeting hands. "Okay I was just trying to help." I raise up my hands in defense. "I don't need your help I have other friends!" She rolls her eyes. "I have other friends too so I guess I'll ditch you and go with them!" I smile but then drop it fast. "Fine whatever! I'll be having more fun than you, just watch!" She says behind me. "Oh I will Kang!" I smirk and she slightly blushes. Mhm .

"Hellourrr welcome!" I'm guessing rosé opened the door for us. "Hey rosé!" Minji greets with a smile. "Are these your friends?" She asks her. "Yep this is Danielle, Haerin and over there is hanni!" She points to each of us individually. I make eye contact with rosé and see her eyes slowly trail down my body and slowly trail up. "Well....come in!" She smirks still looking at me. Haerin hits me with her shoulder as she passes me up. "Bitch." I mumble under my breath.

"Say do you want something to drink?" Rosé comes up from behind me and asks. "Sure I'll take anything." I smile. She turns to me, "anything?" She smirks. Damn she is flirty...

"Anything." I lean closer to her face. Her scent filling my nostrils...she has sweet blood and this sweet flower type smell perfume...maybe a rose? Wouldn't doubt it her name is similar.

"Oops sorry!" A girl says to me as she bumps into me and spills her drink on my shirt. I glance at the girl and it's Haerin. "Haerin!" I say and she just walks away, not even cleaning up the mess she made on me. "Here I got it-" Rosé was about to dry the spilled liquor on my shirt with a napkin but Haerin interferes between the two of us and holds a wet towel in her small hand.

She gently pat dries my shirt while holding eye contact with me. She smiles at me and turns to rosé. She drops the towel in rosé's hand as she stood there with her hand at a halt from haerin's said action. "Here you go. You're the host right!?" Haerin smiles innocently and grabs my hand, dragging me away from the scene to a empty room.


"WTH HAERIN?! Was spilling a drink on my shirt really necessary to just get my attention?" I ask and she crosses her arms along with rolling her eyes. "Tsk. I was trying to stop you from flirting and fucking with that bitch!" She says. "why?!" I ask. "Uh because I don't want the smell of sex to be lingering in our dorm! It's bad enough you hardly do your own fucking laundry and I have to do it for you!" She throws her hands up in the air. "Wait you do my laundry?" I ask shocked. "Shut up!" She says and fast walks around the small room.

"Are you sure it's because you didn't want me bringing home bitches? Or are you just jealous." I ask and she stops pacing and looks at me. "As if! You probably want me to be jealous!" She says. "Haerin...don't lie to me. I can see it in your eyes whether you want to admit it or not like. Me." I say while stepping closer to her.

Her steps retreat but then they start coming forward. "You know what Hanni Pham...I want you to watch me dance." She smirks. "What?" I ask confused. She quickly drags us back downstairs and makes me sit on a stool that faces the huge living room.

"Watch me dance and I want you to sit still the entire time. Don't look away, don't move. And most of all..." She steps closer to me, "Don't get jealous." She whispers in my ear. I shiver at the tone of her voice, like and seductive-like.

Oh boi....I can make it...right? I don't like her so I shouldn't get jealous....right!??!

Y'all think hanni Pham is going to last?😩

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