Chapter 23

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A/N- Picture above is Payton's ring gear, hair and make-up for the match. TW- There will be swearing in this chapter.

I was talking with Lita while stretching out my limbs in the gorilla. Rhea and The Judgement Day were making their entrance first so I just had to wait for mine. Lita received a notification on her phone that made her face break out into a mischievous grin. She said she'd be right back and walked off briefly before walking back, coming to standing infront of me with the biggest shit-eating grin plastered on her face.

I looked at her confused as hell. I furrow my brow, "What is that look for Amy. It's kinda freaking me out." I ask her. She places her hands on my shoulders and says, "Remember when I said you would have three people ringside with you for your match." I nod silently asking her to continue, "Well I am one of those people and a called in a favor from some friends of mine. One of which you met a little while ago." I stare at her wide-eyed and mouth agape. She turns me around and I swear my eyes almost popped right out of my head when I saw who she was talking about.

 She turns me around and I swear my eyes almost popped right out of my head when I saw who she was talking about

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(A/N- I know Matt and Lita aren't friends IRL but for the purpose of my story they are.)

I stood there in complete shock that The Hardy Boyz - The fucking Hardy Boyz - were standing right infront me. I couldn't believe that this was happening. "Am I dreaming right now." I say barely above a whisper but Lita heard me, "Your not dreaming Payton. Watching you perform a some of their moves and when you mentioned looking up to us the other day; it got me thinking. So when I heard about your match against Rhea, I knew she'd have the rest of The Judgement Day with her; I thought that maybe Team Xtreme could come together one last time to support you out there tonight." I was trying so hard not to cry right now, I pulled Lita into a bear hug and thanked her over and over again. She just laughed a little and I was told to cue up by a crew member. We pulled apart, I gave The Hardy Boys each a quick hug before standing behind the curtain and jumping on the spot a couple times.

My music hit and I waited for the right line to make my entrance. As the lyrics "Is this what you wanted?" was sung, I walked through the curtain and as the beat change for the chorus hit, I landed my entrance somersault perfectly but didn't run down into the ring like I normally would. Instead, my music was cut off and I stood on the stage with my head held high; a mischievous smirk on my face - which confused everyone and I mean everyone; The Judgement Day, the people sat at the announcers table and the crowd -  the arena was dead silent until...

A massive pop erupted from the crowd when Lita, Jeff and Matt walked out behind me. The announcers introduced them along with me and we walked down to the ring together. Stopping at the bottom of the ramp, Lita gave the nod for me to do my pose on the apron. My smirk widened as I ran to the apron and did my usual thing, the only difference was the music. I jumped up and hooked my right leg over the middle rope, anchoring my ankle under the bottom and falling backwards. Hanging upside down, I threw my arms out with my hands in devil horns and sticking out my tongue. What I wasn't expecting was for Jeff to run and slide under my head, spinning around to face the direction I was and throw his arms up either side of my head, doing devil horns and sticking out his own tongue. Matt and Lita followed suit and stood either side of me, doing the same as Jeff; throwing their hands up in devil horns and sticking out their tongues.

Jeff and Matt helped me right side up and I jumped over the top rope, into the ring. The music was stopped, The Judgement day slid out of the ring and ref called for the bell.

And so it begins.

Rhea and I start circling each other around the ring. I watch and I wait. Biding my time to strike.

I know how Rhea fights, she's a powerhouse. She relies on strength, her sheer brute force to her advantage.

But not today.

No, today... Today it will be her downfall.

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