Chapter 1

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I woke up to my alarm. I groaned turning it off. I sat up stretching. I got out of bed turning the radio on. 'All Hands on Deck' was playing. I went to my drawers grabbing my school unifrom out laying it on my bed. I went into the bathroom which was now free my mother being in there a few minutes before I woke up. I stripped before hopping into the shower turning the shower water on to warm.  After I had my 15min warm shower I turned the water off stepping out of the shower and wrapping my towel around me and walking back to my room. I sat down on my bed sighing looking at the time. 7:10 am it read. After I dried myself off and got dressed I rand downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning sweetie" My mother greeted me with a smile washing up her plate.

"Morning" I yawned sitting down at the table eating the honey on toast mum had set out for me. When she finished cleaning her plate she left to go to work. After I was finished with my toast I quickly brushed my teeth and put my hair up nicely, grabbing my bag, and walked out to the bus stop, there were other students from my school standing round also waiting for the bus, but they were all listening to music or texting their friends. As the bus came I got on sitting at the front considering I didn't care for the back.

I got off once the bus stopped at the back of the school, the bus area I guess. My friend Jaimee was there waiting for me. I smiled and hugged her.

"Hey!" We greeted each other before walking into the school. We went to our lookers and I put my bag in mine, taking out the books I need for the first two classes before our morning break. I also took out my laptop that I always take every wherewith... Like what would I do without writing or reading fanfics?

Jaimee and I went to the tables that were on the outside of the school and sat down because it was only 7:50 am, and the class doesn't start at 8:05 am.

Jean walked over and leaned over because he was like my best friend that always talked to me whenever he wanted. I didn't mind, but for Jaimee it was always awkward considering she liked him. Jaimee was blushing, though Jean didn't notice because his back was to her, but I knew of because I could see her face.

"So you have Mr. Akerman first?" Jean smirked, knowing about my crush on the English teacher, Mr. Ackerman.

"Shut up!" I sighed Jean chuckled and turned to look at Jaimee.

"Do you have a crush on Mr. Ackerman too?" He asked.

"No... I like someone else." She replied trying not to sound like an idiot or awkward.

"Who?" He asked curiously.

"N-not t-telling." She blushed nervously looking down.

"(F/N), who is it?" Jean whined nudging me.

I was about to tell him it was him, but then Jaimee kicked me hard in the shin from under the table.

"No one," I say rubbing my shin. Jean chuckled sitting down next to her. Mikasa and Eren came over with Armin and joining us at the table, as soon as Jean we all talked for a while, and then went to class as the bell rang.

I took a deep breath before walking into my first class. English. I was always nervous to enter, every time. It must just be because I had a big crush on Mr. Arkerman. I went over to my seat and sitting down, before opening my English book and fiddling with my pen... The only one I have... I don't know where all the others went... It's really weird every time I bought new pens always ended up with one. It's the same with bobby pins and hair ties.

I looked up at Mr. Ackerman. His back was towards the class, he was writing notes for the lesson on the board, dragging my eyes down his back I noticed his pants were tight and you could see the outline of his perfectly toned ass,

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