Chapter 15

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___ P.O.V

I just made it in time for school. I didn't think Levi lived so far away... well walking distance. I could of caught the public bus but I didn't have any money for that. I sighed walking in class. Levi was already there I puffed my cheeks 'Mr. I have a car' I thought. 'Why don't I have a car?' I thought taking my seat as the bell rang. Hm? That reminds me, I look at my phone.... What no messages from mum what is this? I thought there would be at least one message and 20 miss calls, but there isn't any. Maybe be she plotting my death because I'm such an awful daughter for not at least telling her where I am.
Sasha tapped my shoulder. "Psst, where were last night?" She asked
"I had to cover for you telling your mum you were with me." She whispered
"Oh um.." Shit I need to make an excuse...
"Sasha, ___! Shush!" Levi spoke to us with a finger over his lips, as he shushed us.
"I'll tell you during break" I whispered. And facing the board or actually that fine arse of well my new boyfriend. Damn! I guess I could thank him later for shushing me, I now have time to think of an excuse.

I breathed in deeply, it's all in my mind now, all I gotta do is sell it. Hopefully she don't notice that I'm lying.
I meet up with Sasha and the others at our normal table. I sit next to her and smile.
"So?" She looked at me with a questioning look.
"Well I went to the library till closing time, you know how much catch up I have" I pouted "But I wasn't ready to go home just yet as I wanted to get in some more work so I went to the park, but I ended up falling asleep in the grass" I giggled. There was a long pause. Shit she don't believe me.
Eren then randomly chuckled. "So something she'd do."
"Yeah, it does sound right" Sasha grinned. I sighed, oh that's good they believe me. Now let's just hope nobody was at the library, or I'd be screwed.

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