Chapter 6

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I awoke the new day looking at the time. "Shit! I'm late" school will be starting in thirty minutes and I'm still in bed. I hopped out of bed running to the bathroom, no time to shower so I just brushed my hair leaving it simple and no makeup today. I sighed looking in the mirror "did I sleep through my alarm or didn't I set it?" The questions ran through my mind. I quickly brushed my teeth running back to my room getting out of my PJs and into some clean clothes luckily they matched. I grabbed my bag making sure I had everything in there, I grabbed my phone and earphones before running downstairs. "Bye mum!" I called out to my mother.
"Hold it miss (F/N, L/N)!" Mother stopped me at the front door and smiled. I sighed with relief 'good thing I'm not in trouble' I thought. As mum handed me my lunchbox that obviously had my lunch in it. I put it in my bag, kissed mum on the cheek giving her a hug. "Thanks" I smiled heading out the door.

I ran as much as I could before walking the rest of the way towards school. I got there five minutes just after the bell, so I guess I'm not that late. I caught my breath before running to my class I didn't stop by my locker that can wait till after class. I stopped at the classroom door and froze. It was Mr. Ackerman's class. I blushed thinking about the events that happened just last night him holding me, his warmth and gentleness. I felt so embarrassed I looked down. 'Is there a chance I still have this crush on my teacher?' I thought. 'Is that weird? Is it right? Should I be crushing on the teacher?' Al these questions but where are the answers?
I snapped out of my thoughts opening that door. All eyes were now on more. I thought I was embarrassed before, but no I'm embarrassed now.
"Miss (L/N) why are you late?" Mr. Ackerman asked his voice seemed smooth and gentle but those eyes of his were cold. It was like his voice was saying something completely different from his eyes.
I looked down I couldn't dare to look at him even longer, it was making skip a beat. 'I must have a crush on him the last person that made my heart skip a beat was.....Marko' I thought blinked away the tears that tried to come out. "I'm sorry" I mumbled.
"Pardon?" Mr. Ackerman crossed his arms over his chest.
"I slept in it won't happen again," I said just managed to look at him.
"Very well, take a seat and catch up on what you missed" He went back to the blackboard.
I quickly took my seat getting out my book and pin and wrote down the notes.
After class, every day was dismissed.
"Miss (L/N) may you stay back? I'll leave a note for your next teacher." Mr. Ackerman said by his desk. I looked back at him.
"Um sure" I nodded and walked up closer to him. He states up on the desk and crossed his arms, although he didn't seem angry just by his body poster. "How is your work going since you came back?" He asked looking at me with gentle eyes. Which made my heart skip a beat again. 'Stop it, you stupid do you know how to work?' I thought about my heart.
"It's a lot but I should able to manage and keep up" I gave a weak smile fiddling with my fingers.
"I'll help with your work till you caught up" he narrowed his eyes giving a serious look.
"Okay, yes sir" I bowed "thank you" I blushed a light pink at his niceness. I had no idea why he was being so nice but I liked it so I didn't mind. Plus it meant I get to spend more with Mr. Ackerman.
"Alright see you after school, here" He nodded and it looked like he smiled a little. He then grabbed a paper and pin waiting on it before handing it over. "Hand this to your teacher," He told me, I took the note, our fingers brushed a little. I blushed a little. Embarrassed I quickly bowed and left to my next class.

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