Chapter 14

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((Oh my gosh 😱 I'm finally writing something haha I know I know it's been a long time.))

Levi P.O.V

I opened my eyes, feeling some other person laying on top of me, hearing the light snores. My eyes widen remembering last night, looking down seeing ___ I sighed softly she even cutter sleeping she looks so peaceful. I didn't even want to wake her up. I frowned knowing I would have to as I looked at my watch seeing the time. It's Friday the last day of the school week.
I looked at the ceiling thinking for a moment.

____ P.O.V

I woke up but my eyes were still closed, feeling worth of someone else. It was strange, did I not go home last night, is the warmth Levi's warmth? I opened my eyes and lifted my head up slightly. It is Levi, I blushed darkly. He smells so nice, and he is so warm. I rest my head back down on his chest wrapping my arms around him, smiling as I inhale his scent. Yes this is prefect I don't care anymore, I want this and him alone. Fuck the laws and rules, this is well love I just feel. I sigh happily, hopefully he feels the same. Should I kiss him? I think about it. Just do it you know it's right, you already feel comfortable with him, go for it kiss him. I look up at him, he is looking back down at me, there a soft smile on his lips. The lips I want to kiss. I lean in closer, and closer.
My lips now connected with his, I close my eyes as I kiss him. I smile as I feel him respond back with a kiss. It ever so magical. 'OH MY FUCKING GOSH! IM KISSING MY TEACHER!!! HOLY SHIT!!' Is all what's going though my mind.

Levi P.O.V
I close my eyes as I kissed ___ back, I place my left hand on the back of her head, my fingers tangled in her hair as I pull her in for a closer and deeper kiss, my rand rests on her lower back. I open my eyes as she pulled back. "I'm sorry, but I had to do that" She looks down fiddling with her fingers. "But I swear I have feelings for you and it just felt so right to do so" she looked up with a smile. I put a finger under her chin. "No need to apologise, I have feelings for you as well, but didn't do anything about it as you're my stupid" I chuckled softly "You want a relationship ___ We would have to keep it a secret"

___ P.O.V

I squealed and hug him tightly "No I understand YES!" I giggle, looking at him smiling brightly seeing as he covered his ears.
I hopped off him. And ran out the door. "I'll see you in class bye! Can't be late!" I was way too excited and overwhelmed. I can't wait to see him at school. I miss him already.

Levi P.O.V

I blinked, staring at the door completely confused. She just left me here. I sighed getting up. Although she is right, can't be late. I chuckled softly to myself as I fixed myself up and headed off.

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