Chapter 8

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"Mine" I whisper to myself. 'Wait no! What am I thinking?' I rest my head in my hands. 'So my student... I can't love a student' I was so very confused I know it's not right, but it's the truth... Well I actually do believe I have feelings for (F/N) even though she my student... 'What am I supposed to do?' The question kept going though my mind. 'What am I supposed to do...' I jumped slightly, hearing the knob on the door turn and someone knocking as they entered. "Come in" I say to the person. The door fully open. I smile softly it was her.

(F/N) P.O.V

I walked in as I heard Mr. Ackerman say come in. I looked up nervously. Is he smiling? It seemed wried, he been smiling a lot more lately. I blushed a little, the smile suited him. It made him more handsome then what he was before. I never thought that could be possible. When Marco smiled he seemed to be the same to when he didn't smile. Haha what am I'm saying he always smiled so I guess it was natural. Although where as Mr. Ackerman, when he smiles my heart does that stupid skipping beat shit and it's really annoying. I sighed his smile was so.... Prefect. I slightly smiled at him. "Hey Mr. Ackerman. I've bought my catch up work with me" I held up the thick folder. His smiled faded, and he got up walking over to me taking my folder. "Okay take a seat" he told me and I quickly obeyed, I don't want to anger her. Mr. Ackerman grabbed his chair and say it down beside me at the desk. He sat down putting the folder on the desk opened it getting a pen out of his chest pocket on his shirt.
"I'm glad you made a start" he gave me a look that seemed like he was proud of me. I smiled I'm so happy to see that look, so glad I did start.

"Do you mind if I go though it quickly?" He asked
"It's fine" I nodded slightly, and waited patiently for him to skim through the work I've started, he occasionally marking it and writing little comments.
"It's a grate start, (F/N)" Mr. Ackerman told me. I blushed a little more, he addressed me by my first name again. Why? I thanked him bowing my head.
"Let's start" Mr. Ackerman suggested.
"Yes of cause Mr. Acker....
"You may call me Levi" He cut me off. I gulped at the suggestion.
"O-okay.. Levi" I nodded a little nervous. I've never called any of my teachers by the first names, I never thought I was aloud to. I thought it would be strange.
"You don't have to be nervous while saying my name" Levi slightly chuckled "in the near future once you get a job you'll address your boss by their first name" he did have a point there. I smiled, giggled a little. I actually can't believe on how casual we we're being. I want it to be like this all time. Not student and teacher. More casual is way more better and I like it a lot. I smile at the thought and hope I get to spend more time with him. I don't want this time to end, but I know it soon will. I began to frown. Levi put a hand on my shoulder. "There no need to frown (F/N) he slightly smiled for a moment before being a plain blank face expression. I looked down 'Why he being so gentle towards me?' The question went though my mind. Why has my mood changed on me? Why can't I be happy? My crush is paying attention to me and all I can do is cry. I tear started to fall down my cheek. I feel a thumb brush against the year stained cheek.
"Please don't cry" Levi says with a gentle voice. He placed his index finger under my chin lifting my head up gently to look at him. He had a gentle face expression. 'What is wrong me?' I screamed in my thoughts. He is a pretty good looking guy, young and is being gentle around me. And I'm being a missable bitch. I rolled my eyes at myself and got a grip and started to laugh.
"Oh I'm sorry, I'm playing mind games with myself" I say wiping away my tears.
Levi chuckled a little. "It's only natural"
"Well I guess so" I smile. It's time for me to only think positive on what's going on, especially on what's happening around me. Stop being a sook and smile for him, because smiles are always pretty.

Levi's P.O.V

It hurts seeing her upset like this and not even knowing what's wrong. Although I'm glad to see that beautiful smile of hers it makes me myself smile. But only for her, not those other brats and the bastruds I work with.

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