Chapter 9

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It was the weekend, I sat on the end of my bed. It was going to be a long and depressing day, today the community, school and friends and family members of Marco was saying their last goodbyes. I held a photo of us my tears dropping down onto the glass of the photo frame. Why am I so heartless, I haven't even said my last goodbyes to Marco, who I once and no longer can love. And I'm already thinking about another man. I held the photo to my chest, my sobs became more.
"I'm so so sorry." I sobbed "I'm a heartless horrible human been that's selfish and only cares about herself" I wiped my tears only for more to come.
"Sweetie, your not heartless nor horrible" My mother says as she walked over and pulled me into her arms, holding me tightly. I cried into her shoulder.
"But mum... I haven't even said goodbye and I'm already thinking about someone else" I told her sobbing into her shoulder.
"Our minds have a life on their own" She kissed my forehead wiping my tears away. "Sometimes we can't control on what we think and sometimes it's telling us something, we just need to figure that out when the time comes" He gave a soft smile, I nod understanding what she was telling me. I may or may not really understand but I thank her for at least telling me exactly what I needed to hear.

We arrived at the church, everyone that knew Marco was here. I went up to Jean, standing at the coffin. I put a hand on his shoulder, I couldn't look at the coffin not even Jean. "Know you two were very close" Was all I could say. I look down at my feet, letting the tears stain my face. Usually I'd wouldn't let anyone see me cry nor let them hear me, but today was different. I felt arms go around me tightly. I looked to see it was just Jean. "Sorry (y/n)" He whispered. I wrapped my arms around him, rested my head on his chest. A short moment went past and I went to sit down with everyone else. The whole time I looked at the ground, all our memories together played on repeat.
At the end of it all, I had a few people who came and I apologised and hugged me. I went and gave my condolences to his family, I used to be very close with his family but after the accident I haven't said one word, it felt awkward.
I went outside and sat on a bench. I felt someone sit next to me, although I didn't look to see who it's. I kept my eyes at my lap.

Levi P.O.V

I looked at (Y/N) I felt horrible seeing like this. I put a arm around her bringing her into a side hug, my other hand on her arm. I felt her sake as she sobbed into my shoulder. This isn't right, anyone here could see this right now and I could lose my job. But that doesn't matter, I'll do whatever I can to protect her, and at this moment she needs me the most, to comfort and hold as long as she needs it. I take a deep breath, close my eyes slightly. I lean in and give a gentle kiss on the top of her head. I pulled back and left before she could see me.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I looked up to see whoever that was. I saw the back of Levi. I wiped away my tears. Was it really him?

(Okay sorry guys for the long wait. And sorry, it had to been done we all needed to say goodbye to freckle god.)

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