Chapter 13

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Levi P.O.V

Is ___ leaning in to kiss me? Is this my chance? No what I'm I thinking? She is my student. But I can't control myself leaning in our faces inches from each other. I close my eyes. Instead of feeling her lips on mine, I feel her nose brush against mine then year head rested on my shoulder. I opened my eyes look down at her. Wrapped my arms around her.

___ P.O.V

I breath in and out quietly, that was close, I almost kissed my teacher. I was just able to control myself that could of been embarrassing. I smile feeling his warmth, feeling his arms around me, it was comforting... Just perfect. I don't even know how but now I was in his lap straddling him.

Levi P.O.V

I looked at her, that was all of a sudden. I didn't mind though, even though I know it's not right. But this feels right. But should I say something? Should I pull her off? I don't know what to do. All I can do now is sit there my arms still around her, I smiled softly at her. Getting a smile back from her, her head resting back on my shoulder.

___ and Levi stayed like that for over an hour before falling asleep like thatNo words were spoken but there wasn't no need for any. They both felt like it was just perfect for them. They slept though out the night till the very next morning.

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