Chapter 11

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I walked to my first class, before the bell rang. I had around about 10mins to spare. It was going to be Levi's class first thing. I sit down in my usual spot, I was still thinking about that dream. Has he replaced him? Why else would he be there. "____?" Levi spoke as he walked over. I jumped slightly, I didn't expect him to be there. "Morning sir" I nodded softly. "Your here early" he stated sitting on my desk slightly. "Is everything okay?" He asked, his voice very gently. Just like me dream. "Well, yes surprisingly" I told him looking up at him. He face expression seemed soft, it wasn't scary like he normally is. "That's good" he nodded grabbed a chair sitting next to me. "Let's get onto your catch up" he tapped the table. "He have time" he looked straight at me, our eyes connected, my heart skipped a beat, my cheeks have heated. Oh god why? Why did you have to look at me like that?

Levi's P.O.V

She looked so adorable today, even more so when she blushing. Her eyes just so beautiful. And that dress looks really nice on her, I watched her grabbed her things out. The dress showing off her prefect figure, only if I could hold her in my arms. I reached out couldn't control my hand, touched her thigh. "Uh?" She looked at me. I quickly pulled hand away putting it on her note book that was on the table. "Sorry I didn't sleep well so I'm misjudging placement of things" He simply told her, hopefully she believes what I've told her, I don't want her to run away, to hate me, to think I'm a creep. It was the truth though, I couldn't sleep, she was on my mind the whole night, I can't stop thinking about her.

___ P.O.V

I pulled my dress down, just enough so I wouldn't be pulling to top down, and my thighs are just covered. I believe him, being a teacher must be really hard, but that was weird, Marco hasn't even put his hand on my thigh, so it was a weird feeling, it sent butterflies in my stomach. "You must be very busy from all the paper work you gotta go over, I'm surprised you even sleep" I tried to make a joke out of it. I guess it worked as he grinned, slightly chuckled, which this made me smile.

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