Christmas Special part 2

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(Okay so I told a reader I was gone do this yesterday or the day before... oops Sorry I got distracted.)

:The morning after:

Y/n woke up, a smashing headache felt like she was being punched in the head multiple times. She sat up, groaned she hat a bucket in her hands, wondering what she did last night and how she got home. She couldn't couldn't remember a thing, put from little details. She looked at her bedside table, there was a little note, probably from whomever bought her home. She reached over grabbing the note, seeing it was from no other then her boyfriend Marco She smiled hugging the little piece of paper.
Knowing full well he the one that bought her home.

"Morning princess, sorry I'm not there when you wake up. I'd stayed but we know how your mother is. I cancelled our Christmas lunch I guess you'd rather stay home where it's quiet. I'll be around with food and movies to watch. I love you xoxo. Marco"

Y/n giggled softly to herself laying back down. Surprisingly she didn't feel sick putting the bucket on the floor. She grabbed her phone off charged thankfully for Marco. "I wonder if anyone else is up" she spoke to her self going though her messages "huh, why Levi the last person I spoke to" She looked at the first on the floor. She grabbed her phone off charged thankfully for Marco. "I wonder if anyone else is up" she spoke to her self going though her messages "huh, why Levi the last person I spoke to" She looked at the first message bobble seeing it was her teacher under that was Jean. Then her bestie Jaimee. And then the rest of the people she speaks to. Of cause Marco as well. She nervously opened the message with her eyes closed. Taking a long deep breath so opened her eyes looking at the messages, shocked she dropped her phone and screamed.

"Y/n!! What are you screaming about!" Her mother yelled from downstairs.
"Nothing mum!" She yelled back.

"Oh gosh why did I do that." She worriedly spoke to herself. " This is bad really bad." She thought. She thought over it multiple times. What have she done? Now what is she going to do? She turned off her phone, she didn't even want to look at it or have it around her anymore. She quickly showered and got dressed before Marco came.

Marco came over giving Y/n a sweet kiss on the lips. "How are you feeling?" He asked.
"Horrible" She mumbled, she wasn't even talking about the hangover. Marco chuckled softly.
"This is why I choose not to drink." Marco sat the snacks on her bed with the movies he had bought over with him.
"Yeah you could say that" she awkwardly laughed. Laying down on her bed. Looking up at the roof.
"You know I love you right?" She asked looking at Marco seeing him sit down on the edge. He looked back at her.
"Yes, I do" He smiled softly. Y/n curled up closer to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, resting her head on his lap.
"No matter what I do or done, I love you." She softly says with a slight mumble. Marco chuckled softly, rested his hand gently on her hip. He jumped slightly of the door slamming open.
"Leave this door open!" Y/n mother yelled and walked off. Both Marco and Y/n laughed. 

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