Chapter 18

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____'s Mother was at Levi's, they were having a cup of tea. Levi has been thinking about and thought that it had to be bought up.
"What did you say?!" The Mother had given a serious stern look at the male. Levi sipped his tea, he knew she heard him. She was obviously not happy about it. She had stood up and slapped him across the face. "She is my baby girl!" She stood up from her chair. "You are supposed to be a reasonable adult, not snatching young girls!" She crosses her arms across her chest and narrows her eyes at him. Levi winched and rubbed his cheek. He believed he deserved that, considering he is dating a girl way younger them himself, but is the daughter of the woman in front of him. "I'm aware on how bad it may seem, but I'll treat her right"
"I don't care about that. She should be with someone her own age!" She was furious and wasn't happy.
"Is that what she wants though?" He asked her putting the mug down on the table.
"I.... well obviously not." She calmed down, and sat back down. He had got her with that question, even if the age worried her, he did have a point. "I trust you, to do the right thing" she spoke softly, almost like a whisper. "But I don't approve" She added and got up leaving, after she thanked him for the cuppa.

Levi sighed softly. He knew it could of been a lot worse. So he was relieved that it went alright. He did think 'was it the right timing though?'

Another month has gone past. The media has stopped, but the court case was a still to go thing, they just had to wait till ____ wakes up. Which she was still in her comma. Levi was back at work but only did two days as that's all he was given at the time. He had sent more flowers to the hospital but for security reasons, he had handed them to her mother to place with the others. Levi started to sleep less and kept blaming himself. He just needed that positive news, ____ is awake and well. He laid down on his bed and stirred up at the ceiling, rested a hand on his forehead and one of his legs hanged over the edge. He sighs softly as he closed his eyes to think.

Levi sat at a park bench reading a book. A female voice in the distance. "Levi!" It was ___ she was running towards him waving her hand. Levi flashed a soft smile at her, closing the book. "Hello, ____" he stood up and kissed her cheek. "You missed" She giggled and kissed him on the lips softly. Levi grinned and placed his hands on her hips bringing her close to him, which deepened their kiss and connected their bodies.

There was a knock on the door, snapping Levi out of it. He sighed getting up and opening it. "Yes?" He said as he opened the door.

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