Final Chapter

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This is the last chapter which also includes smut 🌚  then I'll be starting on the Christmas Party sequel.

____ was Spread out over the bed flicking though the channels on the tv. Meanwhile Levi was looking through a newspaper and a brochure of nice places to take _____ out for dinner. They were still in Australia, and well nearly died from the swooping magpies and confused from the local slang. They just ended up staying inside the safe walls of the hotel, and it was now 7:00pm, it was time to get dinner. "Well at least I can understand them on their tv shows." ____ smiles and looks at Levi. "But damn the News is so weird 'A seal slaps a Kuracka with an octopus' like what?!" She laughs "and their drama shows Neighbours like why so much drama for? Or all I'm seeing is more Drama in this show Home and Away and its only started... The news is more entertaining, and it's the news..." She just rambles on. Levi sighs and puts the brochure down on the table. "Then get dressed, and we'll go and get some dinner" Levi tells her. "But... the magpies... and that big bird that lady called a bin chicken is out there" She whispers. "It is a bin chicken anyways?" She asked him. "An ibis, I looked it up." He says and shows a picture on his phone.

"Oh" She nodded

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"Oh" She nodded. "I'll get changed, and we'll fight the birds for survival" she said and jumped up off the bed, standing in a confidence pose. "Yeah" She takes her bag into the bathroom. And getting changed into a new, nice black dress, wearing the baby doll lingerie that she received on her birthday a few years ago. She looks in the mirror, and breathe in deeply, they have been waiting to actually be sexual with each other other till they got married. ____ was hoping tonight was the night she finally got to loose her virginity, she was really nervous even thinking about it. She been waiting for this time for awhile now. She closes her eyes for a moment and sighing "I'll make it happen tonight" She whispers. Fixing her hair and applying a little amount of make up, and met with Levi in their room. "I'm ready" she smiles at him. "And you're really beautiful like always" Levi smiled back at her. He takes her hand in his and lead her outside, and taking a taxi to a restaurant. "Well we shouldn't get attacked here" ____ giggles. Levi pays for the taxi and goes inside with _____ "ooh fancy" She looks around amazed.

A host comes up to them "Good evening, table for two?" He asked. Levi nodded. "Alright this way please" He says and leads them to a small table with two chairs by a window, which had a lovely view of course. The host puts two menus on the table. Explaining the place and the functions like, a waiter or waitress will come to the table, they can order drinks at the table or go to the bar, pointing at the restrooms, and showed the dessert menu and telling them the specials for tonight. With a smile, nodding at them and bowing before going to greet the next set of people. _____ looked at the bar and frowned, their was a few drunk people there and it was unpleasant. "Can we not go and order at the bar, it's filled with drunks" She looked back at Levi, whom looked over at the bar as well. "Good idea" he narrowed his eyes in that direction slightly and sighed. "We won't let them ruin our night." He assures _____ with a soft smile and holding her hand.

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