Chapter 3

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It had been exactly one week, I was almost all good... Well physically but not mentally, I still had the cuts and bruises but nothing else the doctors said he died instantly because he put himself between me and the bits of car.

But today I had to go back to school. Mum's, and the doctors' orders. I got on the bus slowly my head down, there were whispers and talking, of cause they were about me.

Once we made it to school, I got off the bus there were still people talking, whispers. Though I was still silent, my head down to save seeing all the apologetic looks I could feel were directed at me.

I went to my locker like always I got what I needed for classes and went off to the table and sitting there all alone.

*Jaimee's POV*

Jaimee saw (F/N) and smiled, but the smile faded when she realized (F/N) was still upset that Marco was now gone. To her, they were the cutest couple at Titan High, but that is no more, it was all over. Jaimee sat down on the opposite side to (F/N) not sure if she should say anything or not.

*(F/N) POV*

"Hi," I say softly not looking at Jaimee.

"Hi." She says back just as softly. I smiled glad she knows just how I'd feel and not ask me any questions to try and see if I was okay, considering she didn't need to know, and anyway she already knew... If that made sense.

As always everyone soon joined though it wasn't the same we were all sat in awkward silence, it was because I was back and obviously depressed over what happened or it was because Marco was their friend and they missed him too?

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