Chapter 4

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The bell rang and we went off to our classes as we always did. Though out the day everywhere I went it was filled with whispers, I couldn't handle it anymore. I ran out of art class, Miss Raahl yelling after me, telling me to come back to class. But I didn't listen, I don't want to go back, everyone was always whispering, always watching as if I would blow up any second if they looked away, and I just couldn't take it anymore. I needed to cry, to let it all out. Why did I come back to school today? It's all too much. I should have just skipped. As I was running my tears blurring eyes, I bumped into something or someone, that someone was tall and very muscular. When I looked up I noticed the blonde hair and bushy eyebrows. Shit! it was the principal, Mr. Smith.

"S-sorry Mr. Smith sir." I bowed my voice weak, and I was sniffling to try and get rid of my running nose.

"Miss. (L/N), I heard you'd be back today, but you need to get back to class." He said making it obvious, he wasn't happy with me being out of class.

"Can I please have a break? Before going back, it's just everyone keeps talking about it and watching me, and I can't keep myself together anymore, it's like they're waiting for me to explode or something." I explained, not daring to look up at him. He sighed loudly before telling me he was okay with the idea. Seeing it was all too obvious I need to calm down before going back to class.

I went to the girls' toilets washing my face with cool water, taking a few deep breaths. Afterwards, I walked slowly back to class, apologizing to Miss. Raahl and explaining. She understood and told me if I ever needed to talk she would be there for me. I nodded and sat back down in my seat.

For the rest of the day whispers died down and I even started talking to others a little, everyone was mostly the same.

I went to English which was my last lesson of the day. Why was I still nervous to enter the classroom? Did I still have a crush on Mr. Ackerman? Isn't it weird? I mean he's my teacher and I'm his student, even though I was with Marco at the time, but he's gone now it was still way too early to be liking anyone else at this point. Well, in my opinion, anyways.

I'm probably just nervous because it been 2 months since I haven't been here... But why do I not feel the same as all my other classes? I was really confused, I do have a lot of school work to catch up on... Meaning a lot more homework I would have to do.

I walked in taking my seat.

"Oh, your back Miss. (L/N)?" Mr. Ackerman said, I nodded.

"Yes, sir."

After the class was finished I was asked to stay back which of cause I did. I have been for all the other classes that I had missed out on the time I was out.

I sat at my desk Mr.Ackerman came up to me with a little file. He put the file on my desk.

"This is the work you need to catch up on." He said calmly. Strange, He usually has a more of a cold tone in his voice.

"Yes sir I understand, I'll try my best to do it all," I say softly, slightly nervous to speak to him. I looked up at him, looking into his eyes. They seem so cold but lonely. He looked out the window.

"You're dismissed now." He said walking back to the teachers' desk. I nodded getting up and grabbing all the stuff before heading out the door. I walked out of the school. Looks like I'll be walking home. Marco wasn't waiting for me... He won't be anymore... And I missed the school bus back home. Maybe I should learn how to drive and get a car... No, I'm not driving... I can't... I started walking back home my head down looking at the ground. A car stopped by the side.

"Hey baby, why don't you hop in?" The guy in the passenger seat smirked, the driver guy winked.

"No thank you, I can walk," I said not showing any sign of fear. Even though I was thinking of the worst if I would get into their car. I looked in there. There weren't even any seats left, where was I going to sit?

"Oh come on, you can sit on my lap sexy." One of the guys in the back smirked.

"There's no need," I said quietly. No, I need to be strong don't show you're scared.

"What you so afraid of? We won't hurt you." The other guy smirked.

No, I couldn't stand here anymore. I backed up and began to run. I heard car doors open and shut followed by footsteps that seemed to be following me. I looked back and all four of them were behind me chasing me. I was frightened now tears started to roll down my cheeks. I just wanted to escape. I felt myself being grabbed all of a sudden, I squirmed to try and break out but it was no good. I was down. One of them on top of me. I closed my eyes screaming for help, only to became muffled screams. A hand slipped up my thigh. I tried to kick but my feet and hands were pinned down. But it all stopped. I could hear grunts and the sounds of people being punched and thrown onto the ground. Afraid to see what was happening I kept my eyes close.

I opened my eyes hearing footsteps running away but a pair walking up to me. I looked up and saw Mr. Ackerman. My eyes widened. What was he doing here? Why was he here? No, I don't care. I'm glad he was here. He saved me. I had no idea what just happened just now, but if it wasn't of him being here. I have a pretty good idea of what would have happened to me.

I don't know what came over me, but I got up and ran into his arms, crying into his chest. I felt his arms wrap around me. I didn't care, I needed his warm embrace at this moment, was all I cared about. He calmed me down. I felt safe in the warmth of his arms.

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