Chapter 17

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Levi woke up in the hospital bed, he was fine, just a little scratches here and there. He sat up looking around the room sighing softly seeing as he was in a private room. The door opened Erwin Smith walked in "Ah you're finely awake" he closed the door and crossed his arms. He wasn't practically happy but he was relieved. "How long have I been out?" Levi asked him. "Just two days" Erwin told him. "What were you doing with a student Levi?!" There it was that question Erwin didn't waste time asking it. "What are you talking about Erwin?" Levi looked up at him. He gutted only hopes she Okay. Erwin pulled Levi off the bed pinning him onto the wall. "I'm not an idiot Levi! The crash scene was you and one of my students!" Levi grunted slightly and sighed "Taking her home,she stayed back to finish her work, and missed the last bus. And it was late, I couldn't just let her walk home alone in the dark" Levi told him wasn't even a lie. Erwin let go of Levi. "How is she anyways?" Levi asked. "Not to good, she on life support, she also has a broken arm" Erwin spoke softly, frowned a little. Levi frowned, he started to blame himself. "She wouldn't be here in the hospital if wasn't because of me" He kept thinking. Erwin handed Levi, the last clothes he wore before the crash, all nice and clean as he knows how Levi is. Levi got dressed throwing the hospital clothing onto the bed. "You should probably need to know that there are detectives waiting for you and (L/N) Mother is super mad" Erwin told him. Levi sighed "I'll be fine, right now I want a cuppa and something to eat even if it's hospital food" Levi said walking out the room "and fuck the shitty nurses that do regular check ups" He looked back at Erwin, Erwin sighed and walked with Levi to the hospital cafeteria. Levi got the food he wanted and his cup of tea before sitting down at a table. Him and Erwin spoke for awhile and soon enough Levi was free to go. But not from the integrations and media.

It's been months now and they have and still integrating Levi asking all kind of questions, Levi even had to go on leave off work taking a break because parents protested and didn't want him teaching the kids, because of what happened. Levi was being accused of sexual assault and abusing ___ even though he knew himself that it wasn't true. Erwin even knew the truth at this point. And _____'s Mother had given him a black eye, but mostly because because her daughter was still in a coma and she feared she wouldn't wake up, her mother wasn't the only one that had feared this. Most nights Levi couldn't sleep he had worried too much about ___ that he only hopped that she woke up, at this moment he didn't even care if she woke up with memory loss he just wanted her to be awake. Levi stays home most days just to avoid the media, but it doesn't stop the detectives coming around to question him even more. He even has a court date but it's when ___ wakes up. He hoping that he won't get put away in jail but that isn't his worries, it's _____ he cant stop thinking about her. He lucky enough that her mother has come with friendly terms with him giving Levi news now and then. But he still hasn't told her the complete truth... "I'm dating your daughter that's why she was with me the night of the crash" Till now.

(I wanna wish everyone a Happy New Years stay safe everyone)

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