Chapter 19

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There was two men at the door in suits they held up their police badges, and one held up at piece of paper. "We have a warrant for your arrest" he spoke. Levi sighed "I'll just lock the house up." And he did exactly that, he knew it would be pointless to run away. "This is also the court day. Miss (L/N) is awake" one of them spoke, and Levi sighed relieved.

They drove to the courthouse. Walking inside Levi's hands behind his back and cuffed. The police on either side walking him in. Levi sits at the little desk next to his lawyer, he looked on the other side and there she was. ___ sitting there, her head down, she just glanced over and smiled softly at him waving her hand hi, under the table. Levi nodded and smiled for a slight second before looking forward.

"All rise" some guy spoke that stood by the judges podium thingy. (Can't be fucked to search it) everyone in the courtroom stood from their seats as the judge made his way in taking his spot at the podium.

A few hours later, after the jury has made a decision. Levi was free and no harm was actually done. There was no charges as well. And he was given his job back. On the other hand, ____ was starting at a different school... homeschool.  Levi had headed back home. And he didn't expect but ___'s Mother came around with ___. "She really wanted to come around." Her mother spoke. "And I assumed you wanted to see her" she said and walked out "I want her home for dinner" before she left. "Thank you" Both ___ and Levi said. Once the mother left ___ Hugged Levi tightly, "I'm soo sorry Levi" Levi hugged back. "No it's fine ___"

The both of them sat down and spoke for awhile.

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