Chapter 16

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(Haha Hello I'm still here and still writing. I do apologise deeply for this way late update. I've just Well life is shit right now. And I've been mind blank. I have gone though the comments and I want to thank AnimeFreak_9000
Iris0406 and Unknown_Comes_Alive
For helping me by sharing their ideas.)

It was a Monday morning. Although ___ was still asleep in dreamland.

___ and Levi was walking along the sidewalk, holding hands and smiling happily. They had no care in the world, yes she was a student and he was a teacher, but they didn't care and the general public didn't care. They were on their first public date, at the mall window shopping. "Can I get an ice cream, Levi?" ___ Her ever so sweet voice hummed though his ears. "Yes" Levi nodded and lead her to the ice cream place Wendy's. (Wendys is an ice cream and thickshake place in Australia. If you all are confused.) He bought her, her favourite flavour. Handing it to her with a sweet smile. "Thank you Levi" She smiled and started to enjoy the ice cream.
Everything was going so smoothly and perfectly.
BAM!! Levi falls over into a ditch. __ Screams and cries out. "Levi!!" She reaches out to him, the ice cream drops to the ground making a mess everywhere.

___ Wakes up hand over her chest. "Oh gosh it was just a dream." She sighs, getting out of bed and getting ready for school. Looking at the time she panicked "shit!" School has already started. She piss bolts out of the house and straight to school.

She was differently late. At least she wouldn't mind getting a detention this time. Grinning of the thought being alone with her teacher. No her boyfriend. She opens the door making a scene as she does so. "Yes! I know I'm late, just deal with it. Because if God wanted me to be early he would of. But the devil got in the way!" She bowed and goes straight to her seat. Levi sighed "Miss (L/N) you will be having detention after school" He spoke still facing the black board as he continue to write whatever teachers wrote on that thing.
"Aye aye captain" She saluted.
As the class giggled under their breaths and continued with their work.

School ended pretty quickly, was it because ___ was excited for her detention time with Levi? Who knows what could happen in detention now.

___ Went straight to the Classroom. Going inside and taking a seat. Levi wasn't there, that was okay she didn't mind waiting and it gave her more time to at least try to continue with catch up work that she had to still do.

A few minutes had past and Levi finely came into Classroom and locked the door. "Sorry for making you wait ___. There was a staff meeting" He looked at her.
"No need to apologise, I was able to get some work done while I waited" She smiled. Levi walked up to her, placed his index finger gently under her chin to left her head up. He leans down and connect his lips with hers. ___ closed her eyes melting in the moment, as she kissed him back. Levi soon pulled away "I've waited all day to do that." He grinned. __ bit her lower lip and nodded "So have I."

They started to kiss again, this time it was more heavy then the first one. Levi put his hand on her back and pulled her up so she was no standing. ___ wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing them closer making the kiss deeper. Levi placed his hands on her hips and pushed her gently onto the desk. He gently bites her lower lip, to grant access. Which ___ allowed parting her lips slightly, just enough for him to slip his tongue in. Levi's tongue massages along hers. A little soft moan escapes her lips, as she moves her tongue along his. They both pulled back, a string of saliva is the only thing that kept them connected as they panted slightly catching their breath. "That's enough for now" Levi spoke softly and kissed her forehead. ___ pouted a little, she wanted it to continue. "You're not supposed to get pleasure out of detention" Levi chuckled. ____ crossed her arms over her chest. "Such a tease" She rolled her eyes. He leaned over "Maybe we'll continue it later if you be a good girl" Levi whispered in her ear with a husky tone in his voice. This made ____ blush darkly and slightly squeal. "O-okay" She looked at him.
"Come on detention over now" He told her and headed to door.
"Right" She hopped off the desk, grabbing her bag she follows him out. Going to his car leaving the school.

The was going fine no dramas until that one car that just comes right around the corner almost hitting them. Levi trying to avoid the car he loses control of his own car. ___ Panics closing her eyes. 'No not again' is all she thinks over and over again. While Levi's car has lost control it has hit another the impact had made it flip over a few times landing on the roof.


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