Chapter 10

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It been awhile since the funeral, I couldn't stop thinking, if it was really Levi? Was him that sat with me at the bench? Was it him that kissed my head? I was so confused, I had no idea what to do. How am I supposed to face him in class now? I looked at the time 5:30am Why do I even have to go to school in a few hours. This sucks, we just said goodbye to a student, my boyfriend. Can I even still call him that? I never had this happen to me, so I have no idea. I sat up in my bed running my fingers though my hair. It's out now, people won't judge if I cry. Although will they judge if I don't cry? I feel as I've done all my crying, no more tears will come out, no matter how I try. I go down stairs and start making breakfast, it was just a simple English breakfast. Just my plate didn't have the sausage, it makes me feel sick. I sighed thinking of all the times I had with him. It made me smiled in the first time in awhile I'm actually smiling a proper smile. I missed the good old times oh I wish I had them back. I served up the food, just in time, as mum came down.
"Oh sweetie you shouldn't have" she sat down at the dinner table. I sat beside her. "Well I wanted to have breakfast with you today" I told her getting start into the bake beans on the plate. Putting a few on my toast. Breakfast was quiet, this only meant that our food was good and we didn't want it to get cold, and that we didn't want to waste time talking, which would of made us rush our morning to get ready. After breakfast I went into my room and got dressed, in something cute yet comfortable. I had time so I braided my hair, and applied a suitable make up for school. Grabbing my bag I ran downstairs, making a simple lunch for school putting it in a lunchbox and putting that in my bag along with all my books and laptop. I ran out the door and to the bus stop. Grabbing out my phone, putting the headphones in listening to my music so I didn't have to hear the other students talk. Hoping on the bus as it came to pick us up I sat down by the front looking out the window, my legs on the back of the seat in front of me, I closed my eyes.

I was out, it seemed like the sun was setting, the sunset reflecting on the crystal clear ocean water. My short white dress blew in the nice afternoon cool breeze. It was just the prefect breeze, I didn't have to hold my dress down, and my hair didn't get in my face. I smiled, smiling the fresh air.
"It's a lovely evening, isn't it?" A mans voice was heard. I looked at his dereliction, Levi? What was he doing here, speaking to me?
"Yes it is sir?" I smiled at him.
"Please, it's Levi" He smiled sweetly at me. I looked at him, and nodded.
He held my hand looking out towards the sunset. "Come here a lot?" He looked back at me.
"Well, used to be with Him" I smiled.
"Now me?" He questioned, what he meant by that?

I opened my eyes looking around. "Move!" It that bitch! She was demanding people on the bus, like she owned it. I sighed, why does she have to be on the bus, she going to disturb my dreams.... Why Levi? Why was he in my quiet place?

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