Chapter 24

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A/N- Continuation of the last chapter... The actual match. It will also be a bit of a long chapter. TW- Swearing.

I stare at Rhea, maintaining eye contact and studying every subtle muscle movement to anticipate when she'll make her first move. We keep circling the ring for a few more moments then I hear Damian shout, "COME ON RHEA!!" but I just wait for her to make advance first. 

Open hearing Damian shout at her, Rhea charges towards me. I meet her half way and we lock up in the centre of the ring. I quickly hit Rhea with a knee to the stomach, causing her to double over. Moving swiftly, I bring Rhea into a headlock with my left arm. I ensure my hold around her neck is tight as I turn us around so I'm now facing Lita, sending her a smirk before I swing my left leg back as high and as fast as I can; using the momentum to kick my leg forward and slammed Rhea's head down into the mat with a Lita DDT.

I hear Lita scream, "HOLY SHIT!!" as Jeff and Matt laugh, clapping their hands and cheering me on. This motivates me to pull Rhea back up onto her feet to execute my next move, only to be met with a headbutt to the gut. I don't react because it did nothing to me so I just grab Rhea by the neck again into another tight headlock. I position us so I'm facing Jeff and Matt, I do Jeff's signature finger gun; then point it at him; then I do Matt's signature 'W', sticking out my tongue.

 I position us so I'm facing Jeff and Matt, I do Jeff's signature finger gun; then point it at him; then I do Matt's signature 'W', sticking out my tongue

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(A/N- For visual aid)

Pivoting 180 degrees, I hook both hands around Rhea's neck and successfully force her down onto the mat with a Hardy Boyz style Twist of Fate. Now it's Jeff and Matts turn to scream "HOLY SHIT!!". I rise to my feet and look at Team Xtreme to find Jeff jumping up and down, thrusting his fists in the air yelling "WOO, YOU GO GIRL"; Matt clapping with a look of awe on his face and Lita, well Lita was also clapping but she had a pridefull look in her eye and a smile gracing her lips. I couldn't help but smile back down at her.

Turning my attention back to the match at hand, I hear Damian and Dominik shouting at Rhea to get up and she slowly does but I was ready for her. I hit her with a superkick to the face and she falls back, landing and slumping over the ropes facing the rest of The Judgement Day. Seeing this gives me an idea, I feel a evil smirk appear on my lips and make eye contact with Dominik. I walk backwards to the opposit side of the ring, still keeping eye contact with Dom and run as fast as I could to the right side of Rhea. Not giving Damian, Finn and Dominik enough time to react; I jump whilst grabbing the top rope with my right hand, the middle rope with my left and swinging my legs inbetween them to successfully but also effectively hit Rhea with a Rey Mysterio style 619.

This sends Rhea flying back to lay in the centre of the ring. I spare a quick glance at The Judgement Day boys and they are shocked beyond belief. The crowd and the commentators are going crazy whilst Lita, Jeff and Matt are cheering me on and praising me. I run and climb to the top turnbuckle in my corner and I stand up straight. Still looking at Rhea, I point at Jeff and shout, "THIS ONE'S FOR YOU JEFF HARDY!!" and jump off as high as I could, diving forward. Flipping over and landing on top of Rhea back first, I flawlessly perform Jeff Hardy's finisher The Swanton Bomb. 

Everyone erupts again, except The Judgement Day boys of course. I go for the cover, rolling Rhea up and staring right at Damian. The ref starts slamming their hand on the mat counting, I see Dominik approaching the apron. As the ref's hand connects for the second time, Dom slides into the ring. A dangerous low growl ripes it's way through my throat just loud enough for him to hear and he backs away, looking terrified. Thankfully, the crowd's loud chants, cheers and scream covered my animalistic noise so no-one else heard it.

After what feel like an eternity, the ref finally gets to the three count and the bell rings. My music blares through the arena, not that you could hear it though. I roll off of Rhea and the ref tries to help me up but I send them a glare, they back away holding up their hands in surrender. I sit back and pull Rhea's head onto my lap, not caring that I'm breaking character infront of everyone. Her wellbeing is the only thing I care about at this moment in time.

I think I knocked Rhea unconscious with the 619 I hit her with. I gently caress her check, speaking softly to her in the hopes to wake her up. After a few moments, her beautiful blue eyes flickered open and looked up at me. I smiled down at her and quietly asked, "Hey Dems, how you feeling? I went pretty hard on you." She chuckled slightly before groaning in pain, "Considering what just happened, I think I'm okay." I chuckled, shaking my head. I helped her up and raised both our hands in the air before helping her out the ring. I walked her over to Damian, Finn and Dominik - who still looked terrified - and handed her to Damian saying, "Please take to medical and get her checked out. Take her to the hospital if needed but if you do so please let me know." He shot me a small smile and nodded before helping Rhea up the ramp and backstage.

Lita, Jeff and Matt made their way over to me and pulled me into a group hug. Jeff and Matt lifted me onto their shoulders which made me and Lita laugh and carried me up the ramp before putting me. We walked through the curtain and backstage to my locker room where I flopped down face first onto one of my couches. Lita crouched down next to me and told me to go get changed. I groaned but did as I was told. About 15 minutes later I emerged from the bathroom showered, fresh faced and in clean clothes.

I sat down next to Amy and she put her arm around me, pulling me into her side so I rested my head on her shoulder. "I'm so proud of you Payton. You did something that very few people would even think of doing." she says, I looked up at her a little confused. She smiled softly and said, "You forgot about your on-screen rivalry and helped your friend. Or should I say more than friend." I blushed and covered my face with my hands as Amy, Jeff and Matt chuckled.

We sat and talked for a little while and kind of celebrated my win before Jeff and Matt left. Amy walked me to medical then she left as well. I stood with the Damian and Finn in the hallway, waiting for the go ahead to see Demi. She didn't need to go to the hospital but was told to rest for a few days and me, Damian and Finn helped Demi to their locker room so she could get changed and cleaned up. Once done, we said goodbye to Finn and Damian and I drove us home were I helped her into some pjs and into my bed. I quickly left the room to make sure the dogs were let out to do their business before calling them in, locking the porch and front door and heading back to my bedroom. Upon entry, I noticed Demi was fast asleep so I slid into bed next to her carefully. As soon as I lay down she curled up into my side so I wrapped my arms around her, kissed the top of her head and fell asleep shortly after.

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